Our HR team is here to support all staff who work in the Office of the Executive Provost and University College organizations. We can help with any and all employment-related needs including (but not limited to) recruitment, onboarding, career development, professional development, staff recognition and rewards, conflict management, offboarding, and all in-between! 

For performance review resources, see below!

Looking to join our organization? Click here for current opportunities!

When Are They Due?

The review deadline is March 31, 2025, but reviews can be submitted any time after January 1, 2025.

What Dates Do They Cover?

The current review period covers January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

How Do I Complete It?

To complete your review go to: Employee Self Service > My Career > Performance Review > Create New Review. 

You can find a handy STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE here!

What Components Do I Need To Include?

Performance reviews include three main components: 

  • You will comment on all universal competencies.
  • You will comment on your accomplishments and goals from 2024.
  • You will set new goals for 2025.

What Do I Need For Goals?

Your review should include goals for January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. We suggest three to four goals. 

Your department may have specific goal requirements, so check with your supervisor for any additional guidance. 


What If I Just Started My Job?

Welcome to the Provost & Universal College family!

For this year's performance review, if you began before the review dates, you will still complete a review. However, you will focus primarily on goal setting for the upcoming year. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions! 

What Is The Merit Process?

The supervisor launches the form for Merit employees by clicking the Create New Review button on the left side of the page. Merit employees do not have access to the performance tool until the acknowledgment step. 

Merit employees should complete a Self Assessment, then share it with their supervisor prior to the review. 

Once in the system, supervisors will enter comments related to Universal Competencies, Employee Goals & Accomplishments and Supervisor Comments. Supervisors can also attach the employee's self-review, and any other additional documentation. 

When rating Merit staff, you must use one of the five descriptors (do not use the "No Rating" option). 

Then, supervisors will send the review to their employees and the employee signs the form. 

Need More Support?

You can find additional resources HERE.

If you would like to discuss performance reviews, hold a team training, or ask any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your HR Representative, or email prov-uc-hr@uiowa.edu.