Deadlines for applying for and reporting on Faculty Development Awards and Fellowships.

General Principles

These general principles apply to all categories within the faculty development awards program (Professional Development Awards and Faculty Fellowships, including the May Brodbeck Humanities Fellowship/James Van Allen Natural Sciences Fellowship and Old Gold Summer Fellowships).

Professional Development Awards

Professional Development Awards are the heart of the university's Faculty Development Awards Program. This is a competitive program designed to encourage scientific inquiry, research, artistic creation, clinical/technical expertise, and innovation in teaching. The award usually takes the form of a single semester of paid leave.

Faculty Fellowships

Named in honor of distinguished UI faculty, these fellowships provide an opportunity for other scholars to contribute to the fields of study in which these distinguished faculty are most clearly recognized. There are two awards, the May Brodbeck Humanities Fellowship and the James Van Allen Natural Science Fellowship, awarded in alternate years.

Old Gold Summer Fellowships

Old Gold Summer Fellowships limited to faculty on nine-month appointments, provide funding for summer work on an approved developmental project.