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Davenport Community Schools


High School Program

The High School program is a college preparation program for low-income Davenport Community School juniors and seniors on track to attend college.



Twenty, four-year scholarships per year will be awarded in 2025, 2026, and 2027. John Deere scholarships will cover 90% of the full cost of attendance. Scholarships are open to all majors (preferred STEMM focus).

College Program

Four years of academic support and coaching, including a mentor from John Deere. The college program will assist with job placement and cover ancillary costs if needed (i.e. computer, emergency funds, etc.).

Meeting a common need:

John Deere, the University of Iowa, and the Davenport Community School District have a common challenge: developing Iowa’s youth from our middle and low-economic sectors to become the top talent, leading the next generation to solve humanity's biggest challenges. The University of Iowa and John Deere believe a structured system of high school through college can prepare the next generation of leaders from our youth in Davenport.  Our collective efforts can allow these students to impact our global society and economy.

The John Deere Scholars Program is a need-based pipeline program preparing Davenport Community high school students for the University of Iowa, providing access through scholarships for 20 qualifying seniors a year (60 in total throughout the relationship). Scholarships will cover 90% of the cost a year for four years toward degree completion for students remaining eligible each year.


What does the High School program provide?

  • The program will be finalized by the UI Program Director and the Davenport Community School District.  Initial program goals include:
    • Education of skill sets for success in college such as time management and cultural understanding.
    • Assistance and education of the college admissions and application process.
    • Assistance with FASFA application.
    • A high school visit day at the University of Iowa.
    • UI speakers in Davenport providing information and options to students on fields of study.

Who is the High School preparation program open to?

  • The high school program is open to any Davenport Community School District student in their senior year qualifying for free or reduced lunch or the college application waiver.
  • The program will also have elements for families of Davenport Community School District students participating in the program.

Does it cost the student or the family to be a part of the High School program?

  • No

How many scholarships will be awarded per year?

  • Twenty, four-year scholarships will be awarded per year for three years, for a total of 60 scholarships. 
  • The first 20 were awarded in spring 2025 for students starting at the University of Iowa in fall 2025. 
  • The second cohort of 20 will begin at UI in fall 2026 and the third in fall 2027.

What does the scholarship cover?

  • Each scholarship will cover a minimum of 90% of all costs for four years (including tuition, fees, room, and board) for qualifying students; the remaining 10% will be covered through work-study or other financial aid opportunities. 
  • Emergency funds will be made available if needed. 
  • Scholarship recipients will work with the UI Office of Admissions during their senior year of high school to learn about options to cover the remaining 10% of the cost. 

What are the qualifications for the scholarship?

  • To be eligible for the John Deere Scholarship, students must demonstrate financial need and:
    • Apply and be admitted to the University of Iowa
    • Apply for FAFSA 
    • Participate in the Davenport John Deere Scholars high school program throughout the year
    • Complete the John Deere Scholars scholarship application (essay and interview)
    • Provide two letters of recommendation

Will all the John Deere Scholars in the High School Program receive scholarships?

  • No. Twenty Davenport Community High School seniors each year will be selected to receive the scholarships to the University of Iowa.

Could the scholarships be applied to another university?

  • No. The 20 John Deere Scholars scholarships will only apply to attending the University of Iowa.

What are the criteria for maintaining the UI scholarships during the four years?

  • Meet with academic advisor once per semester. 
  • Attend two mandatory programs through the John Deere Scholar programs per semester. 
  • Students will be assessed at the end of each academic year to ensure they are meeting the above qualifications.

How will the scholarships be awarded?

  • The UI will form an evaluation committee to review all applications and select students.

How much does the Davenport Community School District have to pay to be part of this program?

  • There is no financial commitment required for the Davenport Community School District as a partner in this program.
  • The Davenport Community Schools will provide access and space for the UI program director to meet with students in each of the high schools. 

What will supporting John Deere Scholar students look like while studying at the University of Iowa?

  • Mentorship through the Office of the Provost and individual collegiate programs related to fields of study.
  • UI Emergency Funds if needed.
  • UI Work Study program access
  • Food and clothing assistance if needed.

What if a student doesn’t complete their degree in four years?

  • The John Deere Scholars program is scheduled for students to complete their degree in four-years. 
  • Staying on this schedule will be part of the Office of Access and Support or First Gen Hawks programs that John Deere Scholars will participate in throughout their four years at Iowa.

What will be the makeup of the evaluation committee?

  • The makeup of the evaluation committee will be comprised of members of the University of Iowa offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, Provost, and a Davenport Community School District representative.

Is any of the $6.6 million gift going toward administrative costs of the program?

  • Yes.  The gift will cover the salary of the new Davenport-based University of Iowa program director and administrative costs.

News and Announcements

JD Scholars Announcement

John Deere Foundation invests $6.6M to provide access to higher education for Davenport students at UI

A groundbreaking partnership between the John Deere Foundation, the University of Iowa, and the Davenport Community School District (DCSD) will soon increase access to higher education for Iowa high school students.