Contact Us:
The postal address for the Office of the Provost is:
111 Jessup Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1316
Our phone number is (319) 335-3565;
Our fax number is (319) 335-3560.
Our e-mail address is
If you're trying to reach someone who's not in the Office of the Provost, try the main University of Iowa contact information page.
Directions to the Office:
Our offices are in Room 111 Jessup Hall, just north of the Old Capitol Museum on the University of Iowa Pentacrest. The elevator entrance is located at the southeast corner of the building.
Public parking is available in the Iowa Memorial Union ramp. Enter the ramp from Madison Street, across from the Iowa Memorial Union.
Take the elevator to Level 4 where you can walk out to the T. Anne Cleary Walkway. Turn right on the walkway and travel for half a block. When you cross Jefferson Street, Jessup Hall will be the building on your right.
Staff Directory
Staff Directory

Steve Fleagle

Brent Gage

Russell Ganim

Don Szeszycki

Amanda Haertling Thein
Liz Tovar

Tanya Uden-Holman