See also Development through the Faculty Lifecycle
Old Capitol

Fund to Enhance Community and Inclusion

Supports the recruitment and retention of outstanding tenured/tenure-track faculty who will further the UI’s goals to advance its academic mission through the recruitment and retention of faculty underrepresented in the discipline.

Spring - Old Capitol

Faculty Leadership Initiative

Partnership to support faculty attendance at nationally recognized academic leadership development and coaching programs.

Pentacrest with colorful sky

Investment in Strategic Priorities

Investment to assist faculty in addressing challenges in bringing research/scholarly projects to fruition.

Old Capitol staircase from below.

Dual Academic Career Fund

When recruitment of tenured/tenure-track faculty member is contingent upon employment of spouse/partner, provides partial hiring support of an academically qualified spouse/partner into a faculty position.

Old Capital

Faculty Fellow for Faculty Development

The Provost Faculty Fellow for Faculty Development focuses efforts on strategies to support faculty development on our campus, including but not limited to developing seminars for early and mid-career faculty, DEO development and planning for retirement.


Fall colors on a nearly-deserted campus.

UI Faculty Awards

The University of Iowa recognizes outstanding UI faculty members through a variety of UI Faculty Awards and programs, such as the Faculty Development Awards Program, Iowa Mid-Career Faculty Scholar Award, and named faculty positions including UI Distinguished Chairs.