Mission Statement
The Office of the Provost provides academic leadership to the University. Its fundamental mission is to champion innovation and excellence in teaching, research, creative production, and service.
The executive vice president and provost (Kevin Kregel) is the university's chief academic officer. Reporting directly to the president, the provost is responsible for the supervision of all academic programs, a wide range of faculty matters (including academic promotion and tenure decisions and faculty advocacy), student academic affairs, and strategic academic planning. He or she communicates on behalf of the university with the Iowa Board of Regents, and with a wide variety of internal and external constituencies. The provost is a principal participant in collaborative decision-making involving university-wide strategic planning and budget development, management of auxiliary enterprises, health care services, and the conduct of research and scholarship.
The provost delegates some of the responsibilities of the Office of the Provost to the
- associate provost for undergraduate education and dean of the University College (Tanya Uden-Holman),
- associate provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate College (Amanda Haertling Thein),
- associate provost for faculty (Lois Geist),
- associate provost and dean of International Programs (Russell Ganim),
- associate vice president for enrollment management and strategy (Brent Gage),
- associate vice president of operations and decision support (Emily Campbell), and the
- director of the Office of Community Engagement (Nick Benson)
The deans of the university's twelve colleges report to the provost, as do the deans of University College, Distance and Online Education, and International Programs, along with the university librarian, and the directors of the Stanley Museum of Art, Pentacrest Museums, and the Office of Performing Arts and Engagement. The chief information officer reports jointly to the provost and senior vice president for finance and operations. The director of the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science, like the dean of the Carver College of Medicine, reports jointly to the provost and vice president for medical affairs.