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Information for Students
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Ensuring that undergraduate, graduate, and professional students receive an excellent education at Iowa is at the heart of the Office of the Provost's mission as the university's central academic office.
To accomplish this mission, the provost works with individuals and offices across campus, especially the deans of the university's twelve colleges (who report directly to him) and the directors of the university's student academic services offices, who report to the provost through the associate provost for undergraduate education and dean of the University College.
Through the University College, the Office of the Provost administers academic credit for a number of undergraduate programs, including University Honors Program courses, Study Abroad, and College Transition courses.
Student Consumer Information
Links to information about the University of Iowa, in accordance with the Higher Education Act if 1965 (HEA) as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA).
Resources for New Students
Student Academic Services
- Admissions - The Office of Admissions is the place to start if you're a prospective UI student.
- Academic Advising Center- The Academic Advising Center serves over 8,000 students who are open majors, first-year students with declared majors, pre-majors, pre-professional majors and non-degree, special status students.
- Pomerantz Career Center
- Registrar - The Registrar's Office is the place to go to register (via the online service MyUI), add and drop classes, find the final exam schedule, request a transcript, change your name or address, or take care of many other issues that may come up while you're a UI student.
- Student Financial Aid - The Office of Student Financial Aid can tell you what types of financial aid are available to you, and how to apply.
University College
University College is home to a wide range of programs for University of Iowa students and precollege students.
College-level Programs
University College administers academic credit for major college-level programs such as the
Some of its college-level programs are designed to smooth entering students' transition to college life, such as
- the College Success Initiatives program,
or to provide opportunities for populations underrepresented in the sciences and engineering, such as
Special courses for orientation advisors, residence hall assistants, fraternity and sorority community leaders, and students who design web sites for university departments and offices are offered through University College, as are
- Lifetime Leisure Skills courses in a broad range of sport and fitness activities.
The University's Reserve Officer Training Corps programs,
- Aerospace Studies and
- Military Science, reside in University College.
Pre-College Programs
Courses offered by several pre-college programs are housed in University College. This includes courses offered by:
- the Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education,
- the Center for Diversity & Enrichment,
- the Iowa Young Writers' Studio,
- the Secondary Student Training Program, and
- University of Iowa Upward Bound.
Courses offered through University College programs are taught by University of Iowa faculty and staff members.
University College is focused on helping our students succeed academically and, most importantly, graduate. University College offers tutoring services, academic workshops, first-year seminars, and a caring staff who are focused on helping students connect to the resources they need.
Study Abroad
Opportunities to study and learn internationally exist for all Iowa students. Learn all about the university's exciting study abroad programs.
Four-Year Graduation Plan
Nearly all students who enter the university as first-year students are automatically eligible for the university’s Four-Year Graduation Plan. Learn more about the plan and the steps students can take to graduate in four years.
UI Graduate Career Outcomes Dashboard
The Graduate Career Outcomes Dashboard provides data on average earnings, student loan debt, and percentages of income spent on loan repayment for University of Iowa graduates. The interactive dashboard allows you to sort results by major and graduation cohorts, helping you make informed decisions about your educational journey. If you have specific questions about areas of study or career opportunities, please contact your academic advisor or a career coach at the Pomerantz Career Center.
Other Programs for Students
- Community-Based Learning Program - The place to go to find out about volunteer and service learning opportunities. The program strengthens students’ learning opportunities by linking the University’s teaching, research, and service mission to community needs and strengths. Part of the University’s Pomerantz Career Center, the program assists students as they develop into civic-minded community members, further preparing them to be successful in their careers and as active citizens of the future.
- Constitution Day - Every September, the UI celebrates Constitution Day with a series of events. Visit this web site to learn about those events, and to learn more about the U.S. Constitution.