Fixed-term faculty appointments are made for a specific term length designated at the time of hire and are subject to non-renewal at the end of that term. The appointment percentage can range from 0-100% and the length of the term can range from one week to three years, depending on the type of appointment. Reappointment is possible for many fixed-term positions, subject to positive performance evaluations and educational need. For more information about fixed-term appointments, refer to the Policy Manual, III 10.12.
Adjunct (FA11-14) Appointment
Adjunct (FA11-14) faculty may hold their primary position elsewhere. This person may be a P&S staff member at the University or employed elsewhere in the surrounding community, whose areas of expertise are insufficiently represented on the faculty. Adjunct faculty may or may not hold a terminal degree in the field (as determined by the college) and their responsibilities may involve teaching, teaching support, research, patient care, or clinical/practicum supervision. Information regarding the Adjunct promotion process can be found in the Promotion Procedures for Adjunct Faculty Members.
These appointments must be less than 50% and may or may not be compensated. Adjunct appointments are always temporary, part-time and do not include benefits.
An Equal Opportunity and Diversity search is not required and appointments may be made for up to three years. For a complete description of search/posting requirements, see Search/Posting Guidance document.
At the end of the appointment term, the faculty member and the position should be reviewed. If desired, reappointment for another term of up to three years can be made by processing a Change in Status Faculty Status form. The Appointment or Change in Status form and attachments are routed in workflow from the Department to the Dean's Office to the Office of the Provost for electronic signature.
An Adjunct can be appointed at 0% and put into pay status by initiating an Adjunct Support Form. After indicating a start date for the period to be paid, choose the most appropriate paygroup. When paying a P&S employee for teaching duties via a Special Compensation form, a current 0% adjunct appointment must first be created (see Special Compensation).
Visiting (FV11-14) Appointment
Visiting (FV11-14) faculty appointments are fixed-term appointments and the position responsibilities may vary among colleges and disciplines. These appointments range in length from one week up to a maximum of three years. The length of appointment and position responsibilities are delineated in an offer letter. Visiting faculty appointments that are 50% or greater for a duration of an academic year or longer are eligible for UI Benefits.
At the end of the initial appointment, the faculty member and the position should be reviewed. If desired and if the initial appointment was less than 3 years, reappointment for another term (not to exceed a total of 3 years combined) can be made by processing a Change in Status - Faculty Status Change form.
An Equal Opportunity and Diversity search must be conducted for Visiting appointments that are 50% time or more and extend for more than one year. Following a review of the candidate's qualifications by the hiring department, the College may request permission to extend an offer through the Search and Selection Summary (SSS) process. For a complete description of search/posting requirements, see Search/Posting Guidance document.
Once a candidate is selected and the Search and Selection Summary is approved, an offer may be made.
The appointment form including required attachments is routed in Workflow.
Instructor (FH14) Appointment
Typically, the use of this rank indicates that the candidate is qualified to fulfill an assigned role within the tenure track, research track, clinical track, or instructional track but does not possess the discipline’s desired terminal degree or other credentials. Duties may include teaching, research, patient care, or other instructional or programmatic support.
The appointment is made for up to 3 years and may be renewed, depending on the terms at time of hire. Renewal of the appointment term is permitted on the contingency of completion of the required credentials by processing a Change in Status-Faculty Status Change form. Any appointment made for at least 50% effort for one year or longer requires a search or waiver process to be submitted prior to making the appointment.
Upon completion of the required credentials, the individual may be transferred to one of the regular faculty tracks by processing a Faculty Career Transfer, if the person was originally hired on a requisition.
Required Workflow Attachments and Offer Letter Elements
Attachment Requirements
Guidance for Faculty Offer Letters
The offer letter is a formal document that outlines the terms of appointment between the University of Iowa and a prospective faculty member. Further information found at: Faculty Recruitment.