A Change of Status form must be initiated when making changes within an appointment such as funding sources, salary adjustments, extension of appointment, percentage of effort, etc.
Change of Status - Reasons for Change:
Accounting only
The Change of Status - Accounting Only form type must be used when the MFK number is the only change needed to an appointment.
When Not to Use
If a faculty member is transferring to another department, it is usually a different position and a Transfer Form must be initiated.
- Refer to the UI Policy regarding cost transfers for any retroactive changes processed - a justification may be required.
- This form does not route to the Office of the Provost so a note in the comments section of this form will not be picked up by our office.
- A faculty member was originally appointed on the wrong MFK.
- Grant Funds (sometimes referred to as "grant release" or "course buyout"): If a faculty member is going to be partially funded by a grant during the academic year, a Change of Status-Accounting Only Form is initiated to move part of the salary from one MFK to another.
Adjustment to Pay
This form type must be used to adjust a faculty member's rate of pay. The only fields that can be updated on this form are compensation and MFK. The percent of time will remain the same.
When Not to Use
- This form type cannot be used to only change the account for which someone is paid. In those cases a Change of Status - Accounting Only must be initiated.
- To add an administrative stipend onto the base salary of an appointment.
- To identify a faculty member's base salary versus their administrative supplement, university-wide an Organizational Code of 160 is used to identify the supplement.
- To correct the base salary posted incorrectly during the budget process.
Discretionary Percentage Change
This form type must be used to initiate a change in a faculty member's rate of pay and percent of time. The only fields that can be updated are: percent of time, salary, and MFK.
Any reduction in a faculty member's percentage of time must have the faculty member's approval in workflow or a document attached showing that they are aware of the reduction.
Faculty Promotion
The Office of the Provost will notify each college regarding promotion and tenure decisions. Following Board of Regents approval, a letter is sent to each faculty member with copies of signed Recommendation for Faculty Promotion Cover Sheet sent to the Deans.
In order to facilitate those changes within the HR system, a Change of Status - Faculty Promotion form must be initiated to change the faculty member's jobcode and salary (if applicable). Salary increments for promotions made during the regular promotion and tenure process, effective 7/1/xx, are typically posted during the annual budget process.
When Not to Use:
- This form should not be used if a faculty member changes from a non-tenure track to a tenure, clinical or research track appointment.
- Example: To change a faculty member from an Associate (FH16) to a tenure-track Assistant Professor (FS13) a Transfer Form must be initiated.
This HR form will update the faculty member's job code, it does not automatically update the job code associated with the position number. A separate Position Change form must be initiated to reflect this change in the position itself.
Faculty Status Change
- For Non-Tenure Track Faculty: When non-tenure track faculty members are appointed, a faculty status end date is entered on the HR form based on the offer letter. The end date is retained by the Office of the Provost in PeopleSoft. If the appointment is going to be extended, a Change of Status-Faculty Status Change form must be completed prior to the end date. Example: To extend an academic year Adjunct Complimentary 0% appointment for an additional 3 years.
- For Probationary Faculty: When probationary faculty members are appointed, a faculty status end date and a tenure decision date is entered into Peoplesoft based on the terms of the offer letter. All faculty extension must be approved by Office of the Provost. Once granted The Office of the Provost will initiate a Change of Status-Faculty Status Change form entering the new faculty status end date, the new tenure decision date and a reason code (see descriptions below). Click here to review the UI policy regarding extensions of appointments - see 4(e) Probationary Faculty Extensions.
Reason Code: | Definition: |
Minor Child (automatic) | For up to two minor children added during the probationary period or within the two years prior to the initial appointment, the probationary period is automatically extended by one year per child. |
Minor Child (discretionary) | If more than two children are added during the probationary period or within the two years prior to the initial appointment, the faculty member may request a one year extension for each child beyond the automatic two year extension. |
Professional Impediment |
Personal Impediment |
How to review the faculty status end date of a particular faculty member:
- From UI Self Service:
- Select the Administration tab
- Select HR Reports under Data Access
- Select Faculty Status Reports
- Select Faculty Status by Individual
Paygroup Change
The Change of Status - Paygroup Change form is generally used when a non-tenure track faculty member is appointed for the Fall semester only and will be appointed for the Spring semester. This form allows changes to the Paygroup, Percent of Time, Total Compensation and the MFK.
Percent of Time Change
The Change of Status - Percent of Time form must be used to initiate a change in a faculty member's percentage of time only. The only fields that can be updated are: percent of time and MFK. The total compensation will be automatically recalculated based on the new percent time.
When Not to Use
If a faculty member's rate of pay and percent are both changing, a Change of Status-Discretionary Percentage Change form should be initiated.
Any reduction in a faculty member's percentage of time must have the faculty member's signature on the workflow transaction form or a document attached showing that they approve the reduction.
Phased Retirement
A Change of Status - Phased Retirement form must be initiated when a faculty member enters into a phased retirement agreement. The fields that can be updated are: percent of time, total compensation, and MFK.
Start and Expected Last Day of Work: Nine-month faculty must begin the phased retirement period at the beginning of an academic semester and the last day of work must be on the final day of an academic semester. Twelve-month faculty may start and end the phased retirement period at any time.
The UI Benefits Office is responsible for overseeing the phased retirement application process for both staff and faculty. If faculty have questions about benefits they should contact the UI Benefits Office directly or refer to the Phased Retirement information on the UI Benefits website.
Helpful Hints
- The percent time must match the signed agreement.
- The HR professional should work with the faculty member to verify that the information on the Phased Retirement Request form is correct, paying particular attention to the start and expected last day of work dates for nine-month faculty.
- Attachments: The Request To Participate in The University of Iowa's Phased Retirement Program and final signed Phased Retirement Program Agreement must be attached to the workflow transaction form.
- Attachment Requirements for HR transaction forms.
- Click here for the official UI policy on phased retirement.
VA/UI Salary Split Change
The Change of Status-VA/UI Salary Split form must be initiated when there is a change in the VA/UI Salary Split. (i.e. cost of living increases, LOA, change of percent of time, etc).
- When a faculty member is appointed to the VA, the appointment is initiated by using the Faculty VA Appointment Benefits form type. When this form is initiated, a corresponding VA/UI Salary Split Change of Status must be initiated on the UI side as well.
- A cost of living increase on on VA salary means the salary support on UI side drops an equivalent amount;
- When a faculty member is on full-time service at the UI for a period of time, the VA requires that they be put on a leave of absence from their VA position because they cannot be covered by the VA and UI at the same time.
- A faculty member covers an additional "1/8" at the VA so pay increases on the VA appointment and decreases on the UI appointment. In all cases the VA/UI Salary Split Change form must be initiated on both appointments to reflect the reason for the change.