The University of Iowa strives to ensure that its academic, health care, business, research, and teaching endeavors are conducted in a manner free of potential or actual conflicts of interest.  A conflict exists whenever personal, professional, commercial, or financial interests or activities outside of the University have the possibility (either in actuality or in appearance) of:

  1. interfering with UI employees' ability to fulfill their employment obligations;
  2. compromising a faculty or staff member's professional judgment;
  3. biasing research or compromising, or giving the appearance of compromising, the sound professional judgment of its investigators; or
  4. resulting in personal gain for the employee or employee's immediate family, at the expense of the University and/or the state.

Given the breadth of activities conducted in fulfillment of the University’s mission, unique policies govern key areas of the University enterprise.  Disclosure, review, and management are critical to the application of the following Conflicts of Commitment and Interest policies. Under these policies, few activities that represent, or appear to represent, a conflict are actually prohibited.  Rather, the rules require conflicts to be disclosed, reviewed, and managed appropriately.

For additional information about management of conflicts of commitment or interest, please consult the following policies and resources:

Key AreaPolicyFor More Information
Consensual RelationshipsConsensual Relationships Involving Students (OM II-5)

Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Phone: 319.335.0705 (voice); 319.335.0697 (TDD) or email:

Continuing Medical EducationContent Validation Guidelines

Continuing Medical Education Office, UI Carver College of Medicine

Phone: 319.335.8599


eCOI Disclosure SystemeCOI is an electronic disclosure system that fulfills reporting requirements of the COI-Research, Workplace, Health Care, and CME policies. For other requirements, see specific policies.

eCOI Website

eCOI What to Disclose Guide

Employment (Nepotism)Conflict of Interest in Employment (OM III-8)

University Human Resources COI-Employment

Phone: 319.467.4142


Faculty EffortConflict of Commitment (OM II-18.4)

Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty - COI

Phone: 319.467.4627 or email:


Health CareConflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy (CM.P.49)

Conflict of Interest Office | University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics

Phone: 384-5252 or e-mail:


PurchasingPurchasing – Conflict of Interest (OM 11.14)


Phone: 319.335.0115

ResearchConflict of Interest in Research (OM II-18.6)

Conflict of Interest in Research Office, Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development

Phone: 384-4256 or email:


WorkplaceConflict of Interest in the Workplace (OM II-18.5)

For Faculty: Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty - COI

Phone: 319.467.4627 or email:

For Staff and Executives: University Human Resources – COI

Phone: 319.467.4142 or email:


Other Conflict of Interest PoliciesOther UI Policies Related to Conflicts of Interest (OM II-18.7)Please see the individual policies for additional information.