To: Deans, Directors, and Departmental Executive Officers
From: Kevin Kregel, Interim Executive Vice President and Provost and Joseph Yockey, President, Faculty Senate
Date: October 5, 2020
Subject: Board of Regents Faculty Excellence Award Nominations
We invite your nominations for the Regents Award for Faculty Excellence. This award honors faculty members with distinguished records of achievement and provides a one-time stipend of $1,500. Faculty can only receive the award once. The current eligibility and criteria statement in the Award description is as follows:
All UI faculty members are eligible for selection. Recipients must have a sustained record of excellence across the spectrum of faculty endeavors (teaching, scholarship, service) or such outstanding accomplishments in one or more of the areas as to justify their selection.
You may nominate up to four members. Each nomination should include:
- A description of the process used to select the nominee, including evidence that nominations were encouraged from across the college and evidence of extensive consultation with faculty and department chairs
- A nomination statement that speaks to all areas of faculty endeavor (teaching, scholarship, service) even if the nominee is being nominated for outstanding accomplishments in fewer than three areas
- Current curriculum vitae
- Two supporting letters from faculty with one from the nominee’s department or college
Past recipients of the Regents Award for Faculty Excellence and guidelines for nominations are found at this link Nominations of outstanding women and minority faculty members are strongly encouraged.
We look forward to receiving your nominations in the Office of the Provost by December 11, 2020. Colleges may set their own internal deadlines. Please submit your nominations electronically as a bookmarked PDF to . If you have any questions, please contact Faculty Senate President Professor Joseph Yockey (355-9883) or Associate Provost Lois J. Geist (467-4627).