It is the responsibility of the Office of the Provost to oversee the recruitment and retention of a highly qualified student body and faculty, diverse in race, gender, and cultural background, and to help ensure a climate in which all faculty, staff, and students have the opportunity to succeed.

The directors of units within the Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity (including the Office of Civil Rights Compliance and the Office of Access and Support), report to the provost.  Through the associate provost and dean of International Programs, the Office of the Provost works to increase attention to international issues, facilitate international study and research opportunities, and widen the university global perspective.  The associate provost for faculty works with the chief diversity officer to monitor the recruitment and retention of women and minority faculty.

U Matter@Iowa flag with Old Capitol in the background.

Selected areas of responsibility for the Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity:

  • Provides leadership and resources to develop culturally competent leaders and support for a welcoming and respectful campus environment.
  • Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC)
    • Overseeing the compliance of Federal and State of Iowa laws related to bias, harassment, discrimination, disability, free speech, and sexual misconduct concerns.
  • Office of Access and Support (OAS)
    • Providing campus wide accreditation support while teaching the skill sets for Hawkeyes to lead our global workforce.