The University of Iowa and downtown Iowa City have long been renowned for their rich cultural and entertainment offerings. Now it’s official.
Last year, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs designated a section of downtown and parts of the University of Iowa campus as an Iowa Cultural & Entertainment District. This prestigious 10-year recognition, effective from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2032, highlights the significance of both the University of Iowa's cultural venues and local community organizations in making our town, particularly our downtown and campus, a unique and vibrant place to live, work, visit, and experience the arts.
An Iowa Cultural & Entertainment District represents a well-defined, walkable, mixed-use area of a city or county with a high concentration of cultural facilities serving as an anchor. To earn this designation, a district must already be a thriving hub for arts and cultural activities. The state's recognition formally acknowledges Iowa City as a distinguished cultural destination.
A committee of culture and entertainment venues, organized by the Iowa City Downtown District (C&E Committee), meets monthly to nurture and oversee the designation and collaborate on promotions and programming in the cultural core of downtown Iowa City. The University of Iowa is represented on the committee by the Pentacrest Museums (Old Capitol Museum and Museum of Natural History), the School of Music, Hancher, and the Stanley Museum of Art. Additional representation comes from community businesses and venues, including the Iowa City Downtown District, Prairie Lights, Riverside Theatre, The James Theatre, City of Literature, Public Space One, Iowa City Public Library, FilmScene, The Englert, Gabe’s, Corridor Entertainment Group, Elray’s Live & Dive, and others. The Iowa City Downtown District has contributed $8,000 and dedicated staff time to support the marketing strategy and potential tactics associated with being an Iowa Cultural & Entertainment District.
The designation and the committee's efforts align with many of the goals and objectives outlined in the University of Iowa's Strategic Plan for 2022-2027. This exciting opportunity brings together the University of Iowa and the Iowa City community to showcase the abundant cultural and entertainment offerings of our town. The partnerships and collaborations developing as a result of the designation will help our community become even more of a destination while elevating arts and culture in Iowa and ensuring broader access to this vital programming and culture for all.