Temporary changes to academic deadlines and policies for undergraduate students, spring 2020
Early Registration for Fall 2020
Early registration for the fall 2020 semester is being moved back by one week to allow more time for students to connect with their advisors. Early registration will now run Monday, April 20 – Friday, May 1, 2020.
Notation on Transcript
A designation will be added to all students' transcripts indicating the extraordinary circumstances encountered in the 2020 spring semester.
Course Drops and Semester Withdrawal Updates
Individual courses and complete withdrawals (dropping all classes) for the spring 2020 semester may be completed, with advisory authorization, through May 8 using the online process. After that date, students will need to petition for a late drop or late withdrawal and the college dean’s authorization will be required.
If a course is dropped a W will be recorded on the student’s transcript. This is important to show the number of hours in which the student was enrolled prior to COVID-19. It also allows Student Financial Aid to calculate Pace for Satisfactory Academic Progress correctly.
Grading Options for Spring 2020 Semester
A temporary Pass/Nonpass (P/N) grading option has been adopted for all undergraduate courses taught during Spring 2020 semester. This policy applies to courses that were converted from face-to-face to virtual instruction as well as courses that were already being taught online.
- Students will choose to receive either the letter grade recorded by the instructor, OR a P/N designation for each of their courses. This decision must be made by Friday, May 8, 2020. A letter grade is the default if a request is not made for P/N. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor prior to making their final decision regarding P/N grading. More guidance on the process for requesting P/N grading will be forthcoming.
- Faculty will grade students as usual during the semester and submit grades following the standard submission process. If a request for P/N is submitted, letter grades will then be converted to P/N by the registrar and displayed on the transcript as such.
- A grade of C- is needed to pass the class unless a program has asked for an exception due to accreditation or pre-licensing requirements.
- Courses taken for P/N grades during Spring 2020 will count towards curricular, major, academic progress, and graduation requirements.
- Grades of P and N will not be factored into a student's grade point average.
- Students need to file an appeal in order to change to P/N after final grades are published or in order to change to grades from P/N. Related decisions will be handled by the student’s college and should follow current appeal processes.