Campus Data Portal

Campus Data brings together reports and data from around campus and allows authorized users to find information, bookmark it, and work with it from a single place. 

Data Digest

Comprehensive quantitative information about various aspects of the university, including students, faculty, and budget.


Aggregate reports of financial, FTE, and enrollment data, as collected from various University-wide data warehouses. Can be viewed by college, department, and fund (according to authorization). 

Common Data Set

The Common Data Set is a survey completed by many participating higher education data providers and used by various college guides. See the Common Data Set Initiative page for more information.

IPEDS Data Feedback Reports

A report on data submitted to IPEDS, as compared to selected peers.

Peer / Comparison Groups

Information about the peer and related institutions against which the university benchmarks itself.

Tenure Report Tables

Data tables that accompany the university' annual tenure report to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa.

Departmental Faculty Salary Reports

Annual report of faculty salaries by department, rank, and appointment type, for full-time tenured and tenure track faculty on the university payroll as of November 1.

Directory of University Accreditations

A listing of programs that maintain specialized accreditation with academic and professional accrediting agencies in their fields.

Strategic Plan Progress Reports

Annual reports on progress towards the goals of the UI Strategic Plan.

Board of Regents Governance Reports

Information about governance reports to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa.