2023 Compensation Instructions for Summer Session Courses
The following instructions are intended to assist in the preparation of Summer Session appointment forms for faculty, professional, and graduate assistant employees.

Questions Contact:
Collegiate Budget Officer
Faculty HR Representative
Forms questions: hr-transaction@uiowa.edu
Graduate Assistants
It is not required for graduate students to be registered during the summer session to teach; however, please remember they must be registered for three or more credit hours during the summer session to be exempt from FICA tax. Per the COGS contract, for COGS-covered Graduate Assistant summer appointment, the first 6-week session, the 8-week session and the second 6-week session have special payments schedules and the “Exception” radio button should be used to ensure accurate payment amounts. The 4-week and 12-week session appointments are pro-rated by calendar days and the “Standard” radio button should be used.
- 4-wk session: 5/15/23 - 6/9/23: pay prorated by calendar days and issued on 6/1/23 and 7/1/2023
- 6-wk-I session: 5/15/23 - 6/23/23: paid in equal installments and issued on 6/1/23 and 7/1/2023
- 12-wk session: 5/15/23 - 8/4/23: pay prorated by calendar days and issued on 6/1/23, 7/1/23, 8/1/23, and 9/1/23
- 8-wk session: 6/12/23 - 8/4/23: paid in equal installments on 7/1/23 and 8/1/23; pay issued on 9/1/23 is prorated by calendar days
- 6-wk-II session: 6/26/23 - 8/4/23: paid in equal installments on 7/1/23 and 8/1/23; pay issued on 9/1/23 is prorated by calendar days
General Instructions for All Forms
- The following schedule represents the standard appointment periods for Summer 2023:
Faculty and P&S:
• 4-wk session: 5/15/23 - 6/9/23: pay prorated by calendar days and issued on 6/1/23 and 7/1/23
• 6-wk-I session: 5/15/23 - 6/23/23: pay prorated by calendar days and issued on 6/1/23 and 7/1/23
• 12-wk session: 5/15/23 - 8/4/23: pay prorated by calendar days and issued on 6/1/23, 7/1/23, 8/1/23, and 9/1/23
• 8-wk session: 6/12/23 - 8/4/23: pay prorated by calendar days and issued 7/1/23, 8/1/23 and 9/1/23
• 6-wk-II session: 6/26/23 - 8/4/23: pay prorated by calendar days and issued 7/1/23, 8/1/23 and 9/1/23
Enter the following into New MFK Information: 050-XX-XXXX-XXXXX-54171000-XXXX-000-00000-10-0000
(Note: Grant program 54172000 is set up for even-numbered years.)
**The Org/Department info should be YOUR department information. **
- The Sub Department (XXXXX) can be filled with zeros if your department does not utilize this field. Grant Program 54171000 is unique for budgeted summer session courses and will automatically route to the Summer Session office in HR Workflow.
- Summer Salary should reflect the approved compensation, generally:
Please refer to the collegiate summer session salary policy for Faculty.
2/9th of 50% academic year salary per course for Graduate Teaching Assistants.
- In the Remarks section, please enter the course number(s) and section(s) taught.
Instructions for Current Employees (Individuals with Academic Year or Spring Semester Appointment)
- Select the Summer Support Form from the eligible types listed. Enter the effective begin date of the appointment and individual’s search criteria.
- Position Number, Job Code and New Department/Dept. Name fields will de-fault to the appointee’s academic year appointment. If you have reason to use another Position Number, enter it at the initial search. Department Name (and for Graduate Assistants, Job Code) can be edited within the form.
- New Percent Time should correspond to the course teaching load as follows:
4-wk session: 1 course = 100%
8-wk &6-wk-I or II session: 50% per course
12-week session: 33% per course
Instructions for Fiscal Year Employees (Faculty or P&S Staff with a Fiscal Year Appointment)
- Select the Special Compensation Prior Approval from the eligible types listed. Enter the effective begin date of the appointment and the individual’s search criteria.
- If multiple job codes are listed, choose the individual’s primary (i.e. full-time) position.
- Select Special Compensation Type “Course Instruction” from the drop-down list and continue.
- Within the Prior Approval form, the Special Compensation Department is the administrative home of the course taught.
- Remember to do the Special Compensation Payment form once the Prior Approval is complete through HR Workflow. Choose the active complimentary/PB9 faculty appointment for the Special Compensation Payment Form.
Instructions for New Employees (Individuals with No Current UI Appointment)
- Select Appointment from the eligible types listed.
- Choose Appointment Type
- Choose Appointment Sub Type
- Appointment Term: Short Term
- Appointment Start: Enter appropriate begin date
- Assign a Position Number for this Appointment: Select “Create New” and click “Continue”
Enter individual’s search criteria and click “Search.” You can then select the individual you wish to appoint. If the search does not display a record for your individual, select “Add New Employee.”
- The Org and Department Information fields should reflect the courses administrative home.
- Percent time should correspond to the course teaching load as follows:
4-wk session: 1 course = 100%
8-wk & 6-wk-I or II session: 50% per course
12-week session: 33% per course
Instructions for Adjunct Faculty (Adjunct Faculty with 0% Appointment)
- Select the Adjunct Support Form from the eligible types listed. Enter individual’s search criteria and then enter the effective begin date of the appointment.
- The New Paygroup should be “3/Short Term”
- Position Number, Job Code and New Department/Dept. Name fields will default to the appointee’s academic year appointment.
- New Percent Time: refer to collegiate guidelines (Adjunct appointments must be below 50%)
- New Paygroup/Description should default to “3/Short Term.”