Iowa faculty have been recognized for their accomplishments with a wide range of prestigious external awards.

These esteemed awards not only acknowledge the career achievements or exceptional potential of our faculty, they often offer significant funding, valuable connections, and opportunities for career progression. 

Awards identified by the National Research Council (NRC) as "highly prestigious" are indicated below with a diamond symbol (♦).

Updated April 2024

AAA C.J. Herrick Award in Neuroanatomy (♦)

The American Association for Anatomy C.J. Herrick Award in Neuroanatomy recognizes an investigator in the early stages of their career who has made important contributions to biomedical science through research in comparative neuroanatomy.

Award/Prize amount: $2,000
Application/Nomination information: Membership not required of nominators and nominees
Deadline: September
Additional information: American Association for Anatomy 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Jason J. RadleyPsychological and Brain Sciences2012

AAS-NEH Long-Term Fellowship (♦)

American Antiquarian Society—National Endowment for the Humanities Long-Term Fellowships are awarded on the basis of the applicant's scholarly qualifications, the scholarly significance or importance of the project, and the appropriateness of the proposed study to the Society's collections.

Award/Prize amount: $5,000 per month
Application/Nomination information: Online application process
Deadline: January
Additional information: American Antiquarian Society

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Tara BynumEnglish2016
Nicholas YablonHistory2002

ACLS Fellowship (♦)

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship program supports outstanding scholarship in the humanities and social sciences.

Award/Prize amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: Online application process
Deadline: September
Additional information: American Council of Learned Societies

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Daniel W. Maze Art and Art History 2016
Lina-Maria Murillo Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies 2021
Landon Storrs History 2006
Richard Turner Religious Studies 2020

Berlin Prize

The Berlin Prize is a fellowship to the American Academy in Berlin, a private, independent, nonprofit institute for advanced study located in Berlin, Germany. Academy fellows are established and emerging scholars, writers, and professionals who wish to engage in independent study.

Award/Prize amount: $5,000 per month
Application/Nomination information: Invitation only
Deadline: Fall 2022
Additional information: American Academy in Berlin 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Lan Samantha Chang Writers' Workshop 2021


Carnegie Fellowship

The Carnegie Fellowship supports high-caliber scholarly research in the social sciences and humanities that addresses important and enduring issues confronting our society.

Award/Prize amount: $250,000
Application/Nomination information: President or designee
Deadline: October
Additional information: Carnegie Foundation 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Margaret CarrelGeographical and Sustainability Sciences2019
Caroline TolbertPolitical Science2021
Julianna PachecoPolitical Science2024


CASBS Fellowship (♦)

The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) Fellowship is a residential fellowship program at Stanford University for scholars working in a diverse range of disciplines that contribute to advancing research and thinking in social science.

Award/Prize amount: N/A
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: November
Additional information: Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Robert BorkArt and Art History2006
Julie B. Hochstrasser*Art and Art History2007

Doris Schwartz Gerontological Nursing Research Award

The Doris Schwartz Award for Excellence in Gerontological Nursing Research is presented to a Gerontological Society of America member who has a record of outstanding and sustained contribution to geriatric nursing research.

Award/Prize amount: $300
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: April
Additional information: Gerontological Society of America

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Kathleen Buckwalter* Professor Emeritus 2010
Keela Herr Kelting Professor in Nursing 2019


Guggenheim Fellowship (♦)

Guggenheim Fellowships are awarded by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to mid-career individuals who have demonstrated exceptional capacity for scholarship or creative ability.

Award/Prize amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: Mid-September
Additional information: Guggenheim Foundation

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Kaveh AkbarEnglish2024
Rick Altman*Cinematic Arts2007
Constance Berman*History2004
Jamel BrinkleyWriters' Workshop2024
Ethan CaninWriters' Workshop2010
Lan Samantha ChangWriters' Workshop2008
John D'AgataEnglish2011
Melissa FebosEnglish2022
Ed FolsomEnglish2007
James GalvinWriters' Workshop1988
David GompperMusic2020
Cheryl Herr*English1991
Sue Hettmansperger*Art & Art History2008
Margot LiveseyWriters' Workshop1997
Philip Lutgendorf*Asian & Slavic Languages and Literature2002
Christopher MerrillInternational Writing Program2019
Tracie MorrisWriters' Workshop2021
Phillip RoundEnglish2013
Garrett StewartEnglish1978
Margaret Stratton*Art & Art History2024
Katherine Tachau*History1999
Luke TierneyStatistics & Actuarial Science1992
Steven Ungar*Cinematic Arts2012
Lea VanderveldeLaw2010
Elizabeth WillisWriters' Workshop2012


HHMI Investigator (♦)

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator Program supports Investigators located at research institutions across the United States who are widely known for their scientific discoveries and innovation.

Award/Prize amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: September
Additional information: HHMI 

University of Iowa Investigators & Investigator Alumni

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Kevin P. Campbell Molecular Physiology and Biophysics 1989-Present
John E. Donelson* Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1989-1996
Val C. Sheffield Pediatrics 1998-2015
Edwin M. Stone Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences 2002-2015
Michael J. Welsh Internal Medicine 1989-Present


Humboldt Research Fellowship

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Humboldt Research Fellowships enable highly-qualified scientists and scholars from abroad to spend extended periods of research in Germany.  

Award/Prize amount: monthly fellowship rate €3,000
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: Varies
Additional information: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Robert BorkArt and Art History2007
Joyee GhoshStatistics and Actuarial Science2010
Waltraud MaierhoferGerman1997
John PrineasPhysics and Astronomy2000
David SternPhilosophy1997
David S. WeissMicrobiology & Immunology1992
Samuel M. YoungAnatomy & Cell Biology2004


James Russell Lowell Prize (♦)

The Committee on Honors and Awards of the Modern Language Association invites authors to compete for the James Russell Lowell Prize, which honors a book that is an outstanding literary or linguistic study or a critical biography. 

Award/Prize amount: TBD
Application/Nomination information: Open to members of the Association.
Deadline: March
Additional information: Modern Language Association 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Phillip Round English 2011

Lindsley Prize (♦)

The Society for Neuroscience Donald B. Lindsley Prize in Behavioral Neuroscience recognizes an outstanding PhD thesis in the general area of behavioral neuroscience.

Award/Prize amount: $5,000
Application/Nomination information: Nominations must be made or endorsed by Society for Neuroscience member.
Deadline: May
Additional information: The Grass Foundation 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Nandakumar Narayanan Neurology 2009

MacArthur Fellowship (♦)

The MacArthur Fellowship is a five-year grant awarded by the MacArthur Foundation to individuals who show exceptional creativity in their work and the prospect for still more in the future.

Award/Prize amount: $625,000
Application/Nomination information: Nominations by invitation only
Deadline: Made available to nominators
Additional information: MacArthur Foundation

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Timothy Barrett* Center for the Book 2009


Mellon—ACLS Fellowship (♦)

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowships support outstanding scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. 

Award/Prize amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: Varies
Additional information: American Council of Learned Societies 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Alyssa Park History 2008

Mellon—APS Fellowship (♦)

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—American Philosophical Society Fellowship is a 12-month fellowship open to recent Ph.D. recipients as well as to a professor at any level seeking sabbatical support or an independent scholar needing to use APS materials for their research.

Additional information: American Philosophical Society

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Robert Bork Art and Art History 2005
Stephen A. Warren History 2010

National Book Critics Circle Award (♦)

Each year, the National Book Critics Circle presents awards for the finest books published in English in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography, poetry, and criticism.

Award/Prize amount: N/A
Application/Nomination information: Publishers may bring books to the board's attention.
Deadline: November
Additional information: National Book Critics Circle 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Melissa Febos English 2021
Marilynne Robinson* Writers' Workshop 2004, 2014

National Humanities Medal

The National Humanities Medal honors individuals or groups whose work has deepened the nation's understanding of the humanities and broadened our citizens' engagement with history, literature, languages, philosophy, and other humanities subjects. 

Award/Prize amount: N/A
Application/Nomination information: See website for more information
Deadline: October
Additional information: National Endowment for the Humanities 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Marilynne Robinson* Writers' Workshop 2012


National Medal of Science (♦)

The National Medal of Science was established by the 86th Congress in 1959 as a Presidential Award to be given to individuals "deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, or engineering sciences." In 1980 Congress expanded this recognition to include the social and behavioral sciences.

Award/Prize amount: N/A
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations not accepted.
Deadline: May
Additional information: National Science Foundation 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Nancy AndreasenPsychiatry2000


NEH Fellowship (♦)

National Endowment for Humanities (NEH) Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing exceptional research projects with value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.

Fellowship amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: Online application process
Deadline: April
Additional information: National Endowment for the Humanities

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Rick Altman*Cinematic Arts1991
Elizabeth Aubrey*Music2007
Constance Berman*History1988, 2003
Theodore D. Bozeman*History1980, 1995
David CunningPhilosophy2004
Richard D. De Puma*Art and Art History2002
Kathleen Diffley*English1991, 1999
Craig A. GibsonClassics2006
Colin GordonHistory2004, 2021
Laura GrahamAnthropology1992, 2001
Elizabeth HeinemanHistory2002
Cheryl Herr*English1983, 2006
Michaela Hoenicke-MooreHistory2022
Linda Kerber*History1975, 1983, 1994, 2013
Ellen Lewin*Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies1994, 2004, 2016
Katina LilliosAnthropology2017
Luis Martin-EstudilloSpanish and Portuguese2015
Daniel W. MazeArt and Art History2017
Adriana Mendez*Spanish and Portuguese2002
Raymond A. Mentzer*Religious Studies1989, 1997
John D. Peters*Communication Studies1995
Morten SchlutterReligious Studies2000
Leslie Schwalm*History1999
Alan Spitzer*History1975
Allen Steinberg*History1997
David SternPhilosophy2020
Garrett StewartEnglish1990
H. Shelton Stromquist*History2011
Katherine H. Tachau*History1999
Nicholas YablonHistory2013

NHC Fellowship (♦)

National Humanities Center Fellowships support mid-career and senior scholars--or emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work--who are in the humanities or who are in the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, or public life and are engaged in humanistic projects.

Award/Prize amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: October
Additional information: National Humanities Center 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Sarah Hanley* History 1990
Linda K. Kerber* History 1990
John Beldon Scott* Art and Art History 1993
Katherine H. Tachau* History 1993
Stephen Vlastos* History 1996

Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowships for Science and Engineering support promising early-career scholars in science and engineering.

Award/Prize amount: $875,000 over five years
Application/Nomination information: Nominations by invitation only
Deadline: Made available to nominators
Additional information: David and Lucile Packard Foundation 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Edwin G. Abel Neuroscience and Pharmacology 2000

Pulitzer Prize (♦)

The Pulitzer Prize is awarded annually for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism; literature; and musical composition.

Award/Prize amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: See web site for more information.
Deadline: Varies
Additional information: Pulitzer Prizes 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentCategoryAward Year
Stephen J. Berry*Journalism and Mass CommunicationInvestigative Reporting1993
Marilynne Robinson*Writers' WorkshopFiction2005


Alumni and Former Faculty

In addition to current faculty,  Pulitzer Prizes have been awarded to many former alumni and faculty members.

Editorial cartooning

  • Paul Conrad—Earned Pulitzers in 1964, 1971, and 1984 for his work at the Denver Post and Los Angeles Times. BA, Art, 1950.
  • Richard "Dick" Locher1983 Pulitzer for his work at the Chicago Tribune. Former UI student, 1948.


  • Nilo Cruz - 2003 Pulitzer for Anna in the TropicsFormer visiting faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Tennessee Williams1948 Pulitzer for A Streetcar Named Desire, 1955 Pulitzer for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. BA, Theatre, 1938.


  • Robert Olen Butler1993 Pulitzer for A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain. MA, Theatre, 1969.
  • John Cheever1979 Pulitzer for The Stories of John Cheever. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Michael Cunningham1999 Pulitzer for The Hours. MFA, English, 1980.
  • Andrew Sean Greer - 2018 Pulitzer for Less. Former visiting faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Paul Harding2010 Pulitzer for his debut novel Tinkers. MFA 2000; former visiting faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Josephine Johnson1935 Pulitzer for Now in November. Former visiting faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.   
  • James Alan McPherson1978 Pulitzer for Elbow Room. MFA, 1969. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Philip Roth1998 Pulitzer for American Pastoral. Former visiting faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Jane Smiley1992 Pulitzer for A Thousand Acres. MA, 1975; MFA, English, 1976; PhD, English, 1978.
  • Wallace Stegner1972 Pulitzer for Angle of Repose. MA, 1932; PhD, English, 1935.

Journalism and Nonfiction

  • John R. Camp1986 Pulitzer in feature writing for a series on a farming family in the Pioneer Press Dispatch. BA, American Civilization, 1966; MA, Journalism and Mass Communication, 1971.
  • Marquis Childs1970 Pulitzer for her commentary at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (the first time this category was awarded). MA, Journalism and Mass Communication, 1925.
  • Marcus Lee Hansen1941 Pulitzer in history for The Atlantic Migration, 1607-1860.  AlumnusMA.
  • Tracy Kidder1982 Pulitzer in general nonfiction for Soul of a New Machine. MFA, 1974.
  • Frank Luther Mott1939 Pulitzer in history for A History of American Magazines. Former director of the UI School of Journalism.
  • Fred Albert Shannon1929 Pulitzer in history for The Organization and Administration of the Union Army, 1861-1865.  PhD, History, 1924.
  • Michael F. Toner1993 Pulitzer for explanatory journalism in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "When Bugs Bite Back." BA, Journalism and Mass Communication, 1966.
  • Don Ultang1952 Pulitzer for his work in spot news photography at the Des Moines Register & Tribune. BA, Commerce and Science, 1939
  • Sheba R. Wheeler2000 Pulitzer for her contributions to a team of Denver Post reporters covering the Columbine High School tragedy. BA, 1996.
  • Richard Wilson1954 Pulitzer for national reporting for his exclusive publication of the FBI Report to the White House in the Harry Dexter White case.  BA, 1926.


  •  David Lang2008 Pulitzer for "The Little Match Girl Passion." MA, Music, 1980.


  • John Berryman1965 Pulitzer for 77 Dream Songs. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Rita Dove1987 Pulitzer for Thomas and Beulah. MFA, 1977.
  • Forrest Gander2019 Pulitzer for Be With. Former visiting faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Louise Glück1993 Pulitzer for The Wild Iris. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Jorie Graham1996 Pulitzer for The Dream of the Unified Field. MFA, English, 1978. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Robert Hass2008 Pulitzer for Time and Materials. Former visiting faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Anthony Hecht1968 Pulitzer for The Hard Hours. Former UI student.
  • Donald R. Justice1980 Pulitzer for Selected Poems. PhD, English, 1954; former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Galway Kinnell1983 Pulitzer for Selected Poems.  Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Carolyn Kizer1985 Pulitzer for Yin. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Philip Levine1995 Pulitzer for The Simple Truth. MFA, 1957; former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Robert Lowell1947 Pulitzer for Lord Weary's Castle, 1974 Pulitzer for The Dolphin. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • Philip Schultz2008 Pulitzer for Failure. MFA, 1971.
  • Karl Shapiro1945 Pulitzer for V-Letter and Other Poems. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • W.D. Snodgrass1960 Pulitzer for Heart's Needle. BA, 1949; MA, 1951; MFA, 1953.
  • Mark Strand1999 Pulitzer for Blizzard of One. MA, 1962; former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.
  • James Tate1992 Pulitzer for Selected Poems. MFA, 1967.
  • Mona Van Duyn1991 Pulitzer Prize for Near Changes. MA, English, 1943.
  • Charles Wright1998 Pulitzer for Black Zodiac. MFA, 1963.
  • Robert Penn Warren1947 Pulitzer for All the King's Men (in fiction); a 1958 Pulitzer for Poems 1954-56; and a 1979 Pulitzer for Now and Then. Former faculty member in the Iowa Writers' Workshop.

Rome Prize (♦)

The American Academy in Rome awards the Rome Prize to support innovative and cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. 

Award/Prize amount: Varies
Application/Nomination information: Self-nominations
Deadline: November
Additional information: American Academy in Rome 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Brenda Longfellow Art and Art History 2013
Jamel Brinkley Writers' Workshop 2022
John Beldon Scott* Art and Art History 1981

Shaw Prize

The Shaw Prize is an international award that recognizes individuals who are currently active in their fields and who have made outstanding contributions in academic and scientific research or applications, or who have achieved excellence in other domains. The award is dedicated to furthering societal progress, enhancing quality of life, and enriching humanity's spiritual civilization.  The Shaw Prize Foundation presents three annual awards: the Shaw Prize in Astronomy, the Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine, and the Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences. 

Award/Prize amount: $1,200,000
Application/Nomination information: Nominations by invitation only
Deadline: November
Additional information: Shaw Prize 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Michael J. WelshInternal Medicine2022


Walter B. Cannon Award Lecture (♦)

The Physiology in Perspective Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship is awarded to an outstanding physiological scientist who is an American Physiological Society (APS) member. The recipient is selected by the APS Executive Cabinet in recognition of original and outstanding accomplishments in the field of physiology.

Award/Prize amount: $4,000
Application/Nomination information: Nominations by invitation only
Deadline: July
Additional information: American Physiological Society 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Francois M. Abboud* Internal Medicine 2009
Michael J. Welsh Internal Medicine 2017

Whiting Award (♦)

The Whiting Awards are given annually to ten emerging writers in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. The award was established in 1985 by the Whiting Foundation to support creative writing.

Award/Prize amount: $50,000
Application/Nomination information: Nominations by invitation only
Deadline: Made available to nominators
Additional information: Whiting Foundation 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

Recipient Department Award Year
Charles A. D'Ambrosio Writers' Workshop 2006
Mark A. Levine Writers' Workshop 1993

Wilson Center Fellowship (♦)

Wilson Center Fellows complete a nine-month residence in Washington, D.C. where they conduct research and write about key challenges confronting the United States and the world while interacting with policymakers and other scholars in residence.

Award/Prize amount: $90,000 stipend for nine-month fellowship
Application/Nomination information: Online application process
Deadline: October
Additional information: Wilson Center Fellowship 

University of Iowa Recipients

*emeritus/retired faculty

RecipientDepartmentAward Year
Alyssa ParkHistory2023