TO: Deans, Directors, and Departmental Executive Officers
FROM: Russell Ganim, Associate Provost and Dean of International Programs
RE: Scholarship funding for undergraduate students to study abroad
DATE: February 1, 2022
Last summer the university returned to normal approval processes for student international travel. The university will continue to monitor travel risks and modify guidelines as conditions change. We continue to see sustained student interest in study abroad and look forward to helping UI students plan for future study abroad experiences. Additionally, there are many virtual global experiences available, including internships and faculty-led courses.
Thanks to the generous donations of friends and alumni of the University of Iowa, I am pleased to let you know about a variety of undergraduate scholarships intended to help defray the costs associated with studying abroad, including virtual global experiences.
Further information is available here:
- Need-based grants:
- Diversity Ambassador scholarships:
- Merit-based scholarships for semester/academic year study abroad:
Please be aware that financial aid packages, including Pell Grants, can also be used to fund study abroad.
Feel free to share this information broadly with students, faculty, and staff within your college or unit.
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Teresa Kout, participant services specialist, at 319-335-0353 or
With best wishes,