TO: Deans, Directors, and Departmental Executive Officers
FROM: Lois J. Geist, associate provost for faculty
SUBJECT: Orientation for New Faculty
DATE: May 27, 2021
The Office of the Provost invites all incoming faculty members to participate in a free, voluntary early-access pedagogical support opportunity during July 2021, facilitated by the Center for Teaching, part of the Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology (OTLT). Please encourage all new faculty members to register to attend virtual OTLT Center for Teaching interactive pedagogical workshops and to access videos and resources related to instructional technology at Iowa created by the OTLT Instructional Services, Academic Technologies team. If you have questions, please contact the OTLT Center for Teaching at
They are also invited to attend the Iowa New Faculty Orientation (INFO) on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Attendance at this orientation is optional and the program is designed to complement collegiate orientation programs. Faculty members are invited to attend as many or as few of the sessions as they deem beneficial. Please encourage your new faculty member to register by August 13, 2021. For more information, please contact the associate provost for faculty at