Monday, December 14, 2020

TO:               Deans, Directors, and Departmental Executive Officers

FROM:         Bruce Nottingham-Spencer, Ph.D.
                     Chair, Council on Teaching

SUBJECT:   CALL FOR NOMINATIONS:  2020 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards

DATE:          December 14, 2020

REMINDER: The University of Iowa Council on Teaching invites you to submit nominations for the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards for 2020-21.  This award recognizes teaching assistants who have demonstrated outstanding ability as teachers at the University of Iowa.  The Office of the Provost has authorized the Council on Teaching to give up to 30 awards each year.  Awardees receive a $1,000 check and a certificate.  PLEASE NOTE:  The total amount of this award may be influenced or modified depending on the current financial aid received by the awardee.  Any questions concerning reductions in the amount of the award received should be directed to Ms. Cathy Wilcox ( in the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Teaching assistants from all academic units may be nominated for the award.  Nominees must have a formal appointment as a teaching assistant and certify that they have had formal student contact during at least one of the following semesters:  spring 2020, summer 2020, and/or fall 2020.  A teaching assistant who has won this award in the past may not be nominated again.

Nominations may be initiated by students, faculty, colleagues, departmental executive officers (DEOs) or deans.  Self-nominations are not allowed

Nomination Procedure (all of the following steps must be completed by:  Noon on Friday, March 5, 2021):

1.  Nomination materials should be submitted to the nominee’s teaching department according to internal guidelines within each college.

2.  The DEO’s office will submit the required documents using the online submission form on the Council of Teaching website.

3.  The online submission of nomination materials will trigger a request for DEO endorsement, without which the nomination will not be considered complete.  It is recommended that departments allow a minimum of one week lead time for obtaining the DEO endorsement.

4.  The system will not accept any additional nominations after noon on Friday, March 5, 2021.r further information, contact Kimberly Nye (