Friday, September 18, 2020

This fall, the University of Iowa asks all faculty, staff, and postdocs to take two important surveys that identify where our community is excelling, and where we can improve.

It’s your community--we value your voice

Every two years, the University asks its members to complete a survey to better understand the campus climate pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion; establish a baseline for measuring change over time; advance work taking place on campus; and ensure people of all identities feel welcome and supported. On September 21, 2020, faculty, staff, and postdoctoral researchers will receive a link for the Campus Climate Survey. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional students will not take this survey, but instead will be asked to complete the SERU survey during the spring 2021 semester.

It’s your workplace--we value your feedback

The second survey, Working@Iowa, will help the university understand our community’s experience of work and how engaged employees are in the workplace. This survey asks you to gauge what it’s like in your everyday work environment and your personal (emotional, mental and physical) connection with your responsibilities on campus. For healthcare this will take place October 5-26, 2020 and for the rest of campus October 19-30, 2020. You will receive more information in the month of October.

For each survey, you will be sent your personal survey link and several reminders to your email address. Please check your email for the link and take the survey. We recommend putting some time on your calendar to complete these assessments, which will take 15-20 minutes.

Thank you!