The Ida Cordelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorships Program was established in 1978-79 with the income from a bequest to the University by the late Ida Cordelia Beam of Vinton.

Past visits by distinguished teachers and scholars from the United States and abroad greatly enrich our instructional and research programs. The Ida Cordelia Beam visiting professorships are a source of intellectual stimulation for students and faculty and provide an opportunity to bring new perspectives in knowledge and teaching to our campus.

Deadlines for applying for Ida Cordelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorship Program

Nomination Guidelines


  1. Proposals ordinarily should be limited to nominees who are likely to have an impact in the liberal arts or in areas where professional specialties interact with liberal arts studies. The nominee should be a teacher and scholar of distinction who will offer unique and interesting perspectives to undergraduates, graduate students, and colleagues. Sponsoring departments must also plan for their nominee to participate in a public lecture so that students and faculty in other disciplines may benefit from their visit.
  2. Departments and programs may propose nominees  of distinction from the U.S. or abroad. A nominee's specialty may be within one discipline or interdisciplinary. Accordingly, applications may originate within a department or an interdisciplinary program or jointly sponsored by more than one unit.
  3. Nominee visits may be proposed for a few days up to a full semester. Short-term visits are encouraged, as they are often easier to arrange and allows the program to support a broader spectrum of applicants with limited resources. Faculty members are encouraged to look for opportunities to invite distinguished visiting scholars from abroad who may already be visiting the U.S.
  4. In making preliminary contacts with prospective visiting scholars, departmental representatives should pay close attention to personnel and payroll procedures. Particularly, if a nominee is a non-U.S. citizen, please be aware that there may be specific visa requirements, and a percentage of an honorarium may be withheld unless the visitor meets certain criteria. Please contact Payroll or the Office of International Students and Scholars for clarification of these requirements.

Nomination Procedures

I. Nominations with DEO and collegiate dean endorsement letters should be submitted to the Office of the Provost as a single PDF to and must include:

  • A completed Nomination Cover Form 
  • An endorsement by the executive officer of the unit(s). When more than one unit is sponsoring a nominee, the application should include endorsements from ALL relevant units.
  • An endorsement by the dean of the unit(s). When more than one unit is sponsoring a nominee, the application should include endorsements from ALL relevant units.
  • A proposal (not to exceed 3 pages) supporting how the visit fulfills the above guidelines.
    • Nominees with interests that may appeal broadly to the university community (e.g., by sponsorship from multiple academic units) will be given priority.
    • This proposal should not be considered a letter of recommendation; rather it should assess how the presence of the nominee will enhance liberal arts education on campus.
  • A detailed schedule describing the nominee's proposed visit.
    • Proposed dates and length of time for the nominee's visit.
    • When feasible, nominators should informally confirm their nominee's availability to visit. Please keep in mind, however, that an individual inquiry does not imply any commitment before authorization has been given.
  • A budget justification which supports the budget summary on the Nomination Cover form.
    • A copy of the budget summary should also be provided to your departmental budget officer.
    • It is important that the cost estimate be as accurate and detailed as possible to facilitate planning for the most effective use of available funds. Advertising costs must be included and UI travel regulations apply. 
    • If an honorarium will be paid to a non-U.S. citizen, please see Nomination Guidelines Item 5 above and obtain the information to properly calculate the funding needed.
  • The nominee's curriculum vitae

III. Departments and programs may submit more than one application with priority order indicated.

IV. The nominating department/s or program/s will be responsible for all arrangements, announcements, and publicity promoting their visiting scholar. Please be certain that all announcements and publicity identify them as an Ida Cordelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professor.  It is the unit’s responsibility to notify co-sponsoring departments who may also prepare announcements. 

If you have any questions about the guidelines and procedures for applications, please email

Who is Ida Cordelia Beam?

Ida Cordelia Beam

Ida Cordelia Beam was born to Sarah Margaret Bassett Beam and Charles Emery Beam on October 24, 1883, in Linn County, Iowa. Sarah, one of thirteen children, was born in Linn County, and her parents in Indiana. Charles was born in Jones County, Iowa, and his parents in Virginia. In the year of Ida's birth, the family moved across the county line to Benton County. Two years later the Benton County Atlas listed the 120-acre Beam farm in Eden Township. In those times it was a day's trip by horse-drawn vehicle southeast to Iowa City. The Beam family lived in a two-story frame house with a screened porch. The farm buildings included two hog houses, for Charles Beam was a hog farmer. The rolling fields stretch out in all directions from the buildings. A nineteenth-century writer might call the landscape undulating. Around those prairie fields there must have been dirt roads subject to dust, wind, rain, mud, ruts, snow, ice. Ida might have walked such a road two-thirds of a mile north to the Eden Township #4 School. Perhaps she walked alone; she was an only child. Her parents could read and write - they had completed eight years of grammar school - and her father served as president of Eden #4 at least from 1898 to 1899.

In all likelihood Ida attended Eden #4 and then began high school at Tilford Academy in Vinton, the county seat. She graduated from the college preparatory course on June 5, 1902. The Vinton Semi- Weekly Eagle reported the order of exercises: all graduates gave orations and Ida spoke on "France's Greatest Heroine." Her likeness on this page comes from a photograph of the graduating class of six young women, seven young men, and three Tilford professors. Ida, of the delicate features and the naturally curly hair, is seated at the right hand of Professor T. F. Tobin, the head of the academy.

Tilford Academy, a private high school, was established in 1871and by the 1900s had begun attracting students from as far away as New Mexico and New York. In 1895 it was called the most prosperous school of its kind in Iowa. The few records that remain include a letter from The State University of Iowa (The University of Iowa) acknowledging that Tilford had met standards for full accreditation.

In 1902 Ida enrolled as a mathematics major in the class of 1906 at Grinnell College (Grinnell, Iowa). The record shows that she left after one year, planning to enroll at Iowa State Normal School, then the teacher training institution and now the University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls). Instead, she first taught school for eight terms - perhaps in a rural school - according to the Normal School's record. She enrolled in 1906-07, registering for the three terms in the mathematics sequence and working toward a B.A. in mathematics. As it turned out, she attended the Normal School only one year.

Where Ida taught between 1903 and 1906 and what shaped her life after 1907 may be recorded only in the lives of others. The 1910 federal census and the 1915 state census records do not list Ida in the Beam home. By 1915 Mr. and Mrs. Beam had retired from the farm and moved to Vinton. Around 1920 Ida and her parents, moved to Portland, Oregon, probably because her mother's brother Robert lived there. One cousin thinks Ida taught in Portland. It is known that Ida worked for a brokerage firm there, apparently for many years. She remained single and she and her parents lived out their lives in Portland.

Ida traveled. "She traveled all over the world. When she was over 80, she and a cousin set out for Egypt." Another cousin recalled that the Beam family came back by train for reunions. Once about 1930 Ida visited the Beam farm then managed by Swedish immigrant Ivar Skoog, who came to the United States in 1902 and worked on the Beam farm. Eventually he married a Swedish woman and they lived with the Beam family. When Mr. and Mrs. Beam left the farm, the Skoog family made it their home. The daughters recall that their father "had us write letters about the farm" to the Reams. One recalls the visit. "Ida was wearing a pretty, navy blue suit and a little fur piece. She wanted to go out to the fields, and my father offered a ride. She said she would just as soon walk." Ida is remembered for being well-educated, for keeping her young spirits, for her enjoyment of talking, knitting, wildflowers, photography, and family activities.

Ida Cordelia Beam died on March 16 1976, at the age of 92, leaving 291 acres to The University of Iowa for educational purposes. The sale of the farm yielded $637,071.72. The substantial, unrestricted gift allowed the University the freedom to develop a program of visiting professorships that would year after year enhance the learning possibilities for faculty and students. President Willard L. Boyd and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculties May Brodbeck were instrumental in creating the program. The Ida Cordelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorships will keep her quiet gift ringing with eloquence through the voices of others.

Visiting Professors


Brooklyn Rider Quartet, New Yourk City-based string quartetSchool of MusicSeptember 29–October 4, 2024
Damion Thomas, National Museum of African American History and CultureAmerican StudiesOctober 6–9, 2024
Victor Luckerson, independent author and journalistHistoryOctober 7–8, 2024
Jennifer Croft, University of TulsaInternational Writing ProgramOctober 17–23, 2024
David Price, Vanderbilt UniversityGermanOctober 29–31, 2024
Kristen Radtke, The Verge/Vox MediaNonfiction Writing, EnglishOctober  30–31, 2024
Leigh Patel, University of PittsburgCenter for Teaching, College of EducationMarch 3–7, 2025
Todd Boyd, University of Southern California School of Cinematic ArtsJournalism and Mass Communications, Communication StudiesApril 7–10, 2025
Natalie Diaz, Arizona State UniversityCreative Writing, Writer's WorkshopPending in Spring
Karen Joy Fowler, independent authorCreative Writing, Writer's WorkshopPending in Spring


Tawnya Pettiford-Wates, Virginia Commonwealth University, The Conciliation Project  Theatre Arts August 28–September 2, 2023
Victoria Johnson, University of California-Irvine American Studies, Journalism and Mass Communications Postponed
Samantha Sheppard, Cornell University American Studies, Journalism and Mass Communications September 17–24, 2023
Andre Brock, Jr., Georgia Institute of Technology School of Library and Information Science, Communication Studies, Journalism and Mass Communications, African American Studies, English September 19–23, 2023
Pola Oloixaric, writer International Writing Program, Stanley Museum of Art September 20-26, 2023
Jane Smiley, University of California-Riverside English October 3–6, 2023
D. A. Powell, University of San Francisco Creative Writing, Writers' Workshop November 6–10, 2023
Karen Russell, independent scholar Creative Writing, Writers' Workshop March 4–8, 2024
Martin Katz, University of Michigan Music March 31–April 5, 2024
Aizuri Quartet UI String Quartet Residency Program March 31–April 6, 2024


Yiyun Li, Princeton University International Writing Program September/October 2022
Jerald Walker, Emerson College African American Studies, English, Iowa Writer's Workshop, Lecture Communications September 27-30, 2022 or October 4-7, 2022
Joe Sacco, independent artist/scholar Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, English February 9-11, 2023
Harlem Quartet, John J. Cali School of Music, Montclair State University School of Music, UI String Quartet Presidency Program February 12-18, 2023
Jericho Brown, Emory University Creative Writing, Iowa Writer's Workshop, English, International Writing Program February 14-17, 2023
Antonio Panaino, University of Bologna and University of Ravenna Classics, Religious Studies March 2023
Ayad Akhtar, PEN America Creative Writing, Iowa Writer's Workshop, Theatre Arts, International Writing Program March 20-24, 2023



* Due to accommodations to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), some visiting professors have deferred their visit from a previous award year. Further information will be shared as it develops.

Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department Date(s) Scheduled
Lina Meruane, New York University
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
Spanish and Portuguese, English, International Writing Program October 3-8, 2021
Amilcar Shabazz, president, National Council on Black Studies
Clenora Hudson-Weems, author and Professor of English, University of Missouri
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
African American Studies, History, Journalism, American Studies, English October 28, 2021
Hector Abad Faciolince, El Espectador newspaper (Medellin, Colombia)
(2021-22 visiting professorship)
Spanish and Portuguese, Injury Prevention Research Center, College of Public Health, Literary Translation MFA Program, International Writing Program October 31-November 5, 2021
Helon Habilia, George Mason University
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
International Writing Program, Graduate College November 1-3, 2021
Santiago X, Freelance artist and performer
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
Anthropology, Mathematics, Native American and Indigenous Studies Program, Art and Art History November 2-4, 2021
Dali Quartet, West Chester University School of Music and the Iris Orchestra
(2021-22 visiting professorship)
School of Music November 8-12, 2021
Timothy Snyder, Yale University
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
French and Italian, European Studies Group December 1, 2021
Carl Phillips, Washington University, St. Louis
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
Creative Writing, English, International Writing Program Defer to Fall 2021
Reginald Dwayne Betts, Yale University and independent speaker and writer
(2021-22 visiting professorship) 
Creative Writing, English, Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies, Nonfiction MFA Program March 21-25, 2022
Eileen Myles, New York University/Naopa
(2019-2020 visiting professorship)
Creative Writing, International Writing Program, Magid Center for Undergraduate Writing, English March 31-April 1, 2022
Min Jin Lee, Writer
(2021-22 visiting professorship)
Creative Writing, International Writing Program, English April 12-16, 2022
Darnell Hunt, University of California, Los Angeles
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, African American Studies, Communication Studies, American Studies, Theatre Arts April 21-23, 2022


* Due to accommodations to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), some visiting professors have deferred their visit to a later date or were forced to cancel.

Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Esther Newton, University of Michigan/SUNY Purchase and Holly Hughes, University of Michigan
(2019-2020 visiting professorship)

Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Theatre Arts

Kelly Link, Independent Writer
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
Creative Writing, English, International Writing Program
Pacifica Quartet, Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music
(2020-2021 visiting professorship)
Residency Program and Hancher Auditorium
Amelia Jones, University of Southern California
(2019-2020 visiting professorship)
School of Art & Art History, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies


* Due to accommodations to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), some visiting professors have deferred their visit to a later date or were forced to cancel.

Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Kei Miller, University of Exeter (UK) International Writing Program, Caribbean Studies/International Studies
James Geary, Harvard University English, Nonfiction Writing Program, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, International Writing Program, Iowa City City of Literature
Daedalus Quartet, University of Pennsylvania UI String Quartet Residency Program/School of Music
Yiyun Li, Princeton University Creative Writing, International Writing Program Magid Center, English
Anne-Marie Slaughter, New America and Princeton University Political Science, International Programs, Public Policy Center, History
Lewis Hyde, Kenyon College *
English, Nonfiction Writing Program, Honors Program, Division of Performing Arts, History
Charmaine Royal, Duke University * Rhetoric, Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, Center for Public Policy Center, College of Law, Anthropology, African American Studies Program


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Chris Abani, Northwestern University International Writing Program, Iowa Writers' Workshop
Harryette Mullen, UCLA Writers' Workshop
Jorie Graham, Harvard University English
Parker String Quartet, Blodgett Artists-in-Residence at Harvard University Department of Music School of Music/University of Iowa String Quartet Residency Program
Rufus Reid, International-level Jazz Performer, formerly of William Patterson University (ret.) Hancher, School of Music, African-American Studies
Richard F. Thomas, Harvard University Classics
Cecilia Vicuna, Independent Artist Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies, English, Spanish and Portuguese, Writers' Workshop
Valeria Luiselli, Hofstra University English, Nonfiction Writing Program
Joseph Straus, Graduate Center of the City University of New York Obermann Center for Advanced Studies
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Emory University Obermann Center for Advanced Studies
Viet Thanh Nguyen, University of Southern California Writers' Workshop


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Estrella de Diego, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) Spanish and Portuguese
John Richardson, Esquire Magazine English, Nonfiction Writing Program, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, History
Nathaniel Mackey, Duke University Writers’ Workshop
Elias String Quartet, Premiere String Quartet in Britain School of Music, University of Iowa String Quartet Residency Program, Hancher, International Programs
Bill Morrison, Independent Artist Cinematic Arts, School of Music, Obermann Center
Rosanna Warren, John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago International Writing Program; Writers’ Workshop; Division of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Trudy Huskamp Peterson, Independent Archival Consultant History; English; Division of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Obermann Center
David Goldblatt, Bristol University/Pitzer College French & Italian
Deborah Eisenberg, Columbia University Writers’ Workshop


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Janine di Giovanni; Newsweek, New America Foundation, Columbia University International Writing Program, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Iowa Writers' Workshop, Nonfiction Writing Program, and the UI Center for Human Rights
James English, University of Pennsylvania Department of English, University of Iowa Libraries
Rivka Galchen, Columbia University Iowa Writers’ Workshop
Jay Hakes Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of History, Department of Political Science
Greil Marcus; University of California, Berkeley Nonfiction Writing Program, Department of English, School of Music, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Department of American Studies
D.A. Powell, University of San Francisco Iowa Writers’ Workshop, International Writing Program, Frank Magid Writing Center for Undergraduate Writers, Department of English
JoAnne Stubbe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Chemistry
Frank Trommler, University of Pennsylvania Department of German, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, Department of History, African American Studies, School of Art and Art History
Maiken Umbach, Nottingham University Department of History, School of Art and Art History, Department of German, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies
Ying String Quartet, Eastman School of Music University of Iowa String Quartet Residency Program, Hancher, Jazz and African American Studies


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Andrea Barrett, Williams College University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop; International Writing Program; Frank Magid Center for Undergraduate Writers; Department of English
Joan Brennecke, University of Notre Dame Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Brentano String Quartet, Yale University University of Iowa String Quartet Residency Program; School of Music; Hancher
Bunky Echo-Hawk, NVision American Indian & Native Studies Program; School of Art & Art History; Department of English
Guillermo Gómez-Peña, La Pocha Nostra and Felicia Rice, the Moving Parts Press Department of English; Department of Communication Studies
Margo Jefferson, Columbia University Nonfiction Writing Program; Department of English; Department of Theater Arts; African American Studies Program; Department of Dance
Talens Carmona Jenaro, University of Valencia (Spain) Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Tanya Luhrmann, Stanford University Department of Religious Studies; School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Shahriar Mandanipour International Writing Program; University of Iowa Center for Human Rights; University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop
Dr. Joseph Pratt, University of Houston Department of History; Department of Geographical & Sustainability Sciences; Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Claudia Rankine, Pomona College University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop; International Writing Program; Frank Magid Center for Undergraduate Writers; Department of English
Al Roth; Stanford University Department of Economics; Carver College of Medicine; Department of Accounting


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Frank Bidart, Wellesley College Creative Writing, International Writing Program, Magid Center for Undergraduate Writing, Department of English
Sean B. Carroll, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Biology, Honors Program
Christopher Celenza, Johns Hopkins University Department of Classics; Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
David Cutler, University of South Carolina School of Music
Jill Dolan and Stacy Wolf, Princeton University Division of Performing Arts; Division of Theatre Arts; Department of English; Department of American Studies; Department of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies; Department of Dance; School of Music
Maureen Freeley, University of Warwick International Writing Program; Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Department of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies
Michael F. Goodchild, University of California at Santa Barbara Geographical and Sustainability Sciences, Informatics Initiative, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
Lorrie Moore, Vanderbilt University Creative Writing, International Writing Program, Magid Center for Undergraduate Writing, Department of English
Rob Nixon, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of English, Department of Anthropology, Center for Human Rights
Darren Ranco, University of Maine American Indian and Native Studies Program, Department of Anthropology, Environmental Policy and Planning, Geographical and Sustainability Studies
Alan Riach, University of Glasgow Department of English, UI International Programs (WorldCanvass)
Mary Roach, Independent Writer Department of English, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Lonnie Thompson, The Ohio State University Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of History


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Lauren Berlant, University of Chicago Rhetoric and English, CCL, English, GWSS, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center, Obermann Center; POROI; Rhetoric; Women's Resource and Action Center
Claudia Beverley, University of Arkansas for Health Sciences, The John A. Hartford Foundation Center of Geriatric John A. Hartford Foundation Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, College of Nursing
Kwame Dawes, University of Nebraska-Lincoln International Writing Program
Wai Chee Dimock, Yale University English, International Writing Program, American Studies; CCL; Obermann Center; International Programs; Writers' Workshop
John Hagan, Northwestern University Sociology
Joy Harjo, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana English
Michael Harrison, Serious Media Music Dance, School of Music
Liz Lerman, Independent Artist Division of Performing Arts (DPA); Hancher
Phillip Lopate, Columbia University, New York, NY Department of English (Nonfiction Writing Program); College of Education, Film Studies, Creative Writing
Josh MacPhee, Independent Artist, Curator and Writer. Founder of Justseeds art collective and Interference Archive School of Art and Art History; History; Center for Human Rights; Obermann Center; Communication Studies; Labor Center; Center for the Book; UI Libraries; CCL; Public Space One; Zenic Press; Division of Continuing Education
Larry May, Vanderbilt University Philosophy Department; UI Law School, Center for Human Rights
Jose Munoz, New York University POROI; Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Critical Comparative Ethnic Studies Working Group; Theatre Arts; Spanish and Portuguese; LGBT Resource Center, American Studies; Obermann Center for Advanced Study
Felipe Salles, University of Massachusetts, Amherst School of Music, UI Saxophone Studio, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Department of International Studies
Regina Schwartz, Northwestern University Religious Studies
Dean Simonton, University of California, Davis Delta Center, CLAS, Psychology, Obermann Center, Belin-Blank Center
Joy Williams, University of Wyoming Creative Writing (Writers' Workshop); International Writing Program; Magid Undergraduate Writing Center; The Non-Fiction Writing Program
Charles Wright, University of Virginia Creative Writing (Writers' Workshop); Undergraduate Writing; International Writing; English; Nonfiction Writing


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Jennifer Muller, Artistic Director of Jennifer Muller/The Works Dance, Division of Performing Arts
John Zaller, University of California-Los Angeles Political Science, Journalism/Communication Studies/Sociology
Russell Banks, Princeton University Writer's Workshop, Non-fiction Writing Program, English, International Writing Program
Alberto Fuguet, University Diego Portales, Chile Spanish and Portuguese, DWLLC, Cinema and Comparative Literature
Vicki Ruiz, University of California-Irvine History, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, Labor Center
Jose Limon, University of Notre Dame English, American Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, Latin American Studies, Division of WLLC, Anthropology
L. Michael White, University of Texas at Austin Classics, Religious Studies, History, Center for the Book, Digital Studio for the Public Humanities
Hisham Matar, Barnard College International Writing Program, UI Center for Human Rights
Lucie Brock-Broido, Columbia College Writer's Workshop, Non-fiction Writing Program, English, International Writing Program
Lawrence Weschler, New York University English, Undergraduate Certificate in Writing, Journalism & Mass Communication, Art
Sanford Goldberg, Northwestern University Philosophy
Rodney Ewing, University of Michigan Chemistry


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Phoebe Gloeckner, University of Michigan Art & Art History, Cinema & Comparative Literature, Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies, WRUAC, UI Art Museum
Elaine Treharne, Florida State University English, Center for the Book, History, Classics, Medieval Studies
Ilya Kaminsky, San Diego State University International Writing Program
Robert Hass, University of California – Berkeley Writers Workshop, International Writing Program, English, Undergraduate Writing Track
Sam Green, David Cerf, and The Quavers, Independent Oscar nominated documentary filmmaker and collaborators Cinema & Comparative Literature
Uwe Kleindienst, Leopold-Mozart-Zentrum,
University of Augsburg, Germany
Music, German
James Luna, Palomar College, San Marcos, CA American Indian & Native Studies, Art & Art History, Theatre Arts
Michael Spiro, Jacobs School of Music,
Indiana University
Music – Jazz Department, Dance, International Programs, Division of Performing Arts
William Westney, Texas Tech University Music

Orrin Robinson, Stanford University

German, International Programs, 18th & 19th Century Interdisciplinary Colloquium, Asian & Slavic Languages and Literatures, English, French & Italian, Linguistics, Spanish & Portuguese
Nicholson Baker, Portland, ME Writers Workshop, Non-Fiction Writing Program, International Writing Program, English


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Doris Bergen, University of Toronto International Programs, European Studies Goup, History, Religious Studies, Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies, German
Charles Bernstein, University of Pennsylvania Writers' Workshop, English, Undergraduate Creative Writing Program, International Writing Program
Horacio Castellanos Moya, City of Asylum/Pittsburg International Writing Program, Spanish & Portuguese, Cinema and Comparative Literature, UI Center for Human Rights
Morten Christiansen, Cornell University and Sante Fe Institute Psychology/Delta Center, Communication Sciences & Disorders
Jeffrey Cohen, George Washington University Medieval Studies, Religious Studies, Classics, History, English, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, Art History
Wendy Doniger, Divinity School, University of Chicago Classics, Anthropology, Cinema & Comparative Literature, Religious Studies, South Asian Studies Program
Stuart Dybek, Northwestern University The Writers' Workshop, International Writing Program, Undergraduate Writing Track, English
Dirk Hoerder, Arizona State University, University of Bremen History, International Programs, American Studies, UI Labor Center, Crossing Borders Program, UI Center for Human Rights
Adrian Johns, University of Chicago Communication Studies, College of Law, English, History, Center for the Book

David Roediger, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign
POROI, Communication Studies, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies, Center for Ethnic Studies and the Arts, Communication Studies, Rhetoric
Robert Storr, Yale University Painting/Drawing, Art & Art History, UI Museum of Art, Theatre Arts, English


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department(s)
Colin Allen, Indiana University Philosophy, Psychology, Computer Science, College of Engineering
Richard Aslin, University of Rochester, Heather Bortfeld, Texas A&M, Janet Werker, University of British Columbia Psychology, Communication Sciences & Disorders, Neurology
Anne Bang, University of Bergen History, African Studies, Crossing Borders, Middle Eastern and Muslim World, French & Italian
Eavan Boland, Stanford University International Writing Program, English, Writers' Workshop
Avery Brooks, Rutgers University Theatre Arts, African American Studies
Kaare Christensen, University of Southern Denmark Pediatrics, College of Public Health,
Hartford Foundation, Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, CTSI
Robert Costanza, University of Vermont Geography, CGRER, Urban & Regional Planning, Office of Sustainability
Margaret Crocco, Columbia University Center for Teaching, Teaching and Learning, Center for Human Rights
Tracy Davis, Northwestern University American Studies, English, History, Theatre Arts, Center for Ethnic Studies and the Arts, ENCIC
Steven Engel, Heide Reavis, Engel Entertainment Neurology, OB/GYN
Diane Favro, UCLA Classics, Art History, Urban and Regional Planning; Anthropology, European Studies Group, Iowa Society of the Archaeological Institute of America
Lin Foulk, Deanna Swoboda, University of Western Michigan Music, Women's Studies
Fredric Jameson, Duke University English, Cinema and Comparative Literature, American Studies
Michael Marmot, University College, London Global Health Studies Program, UI Center for Human Rights, College of Medicine, Social Work, History, Political Science, Geography
Victor Navasky, Columbia University Journalism & Mass Communication, Communication Studies, English, History, Political Science, Honors Program, Law
Monira Rahman, Acid Survivors Foundation Burn Treatment Center, South Asian Studies Program
Michael Silverblatt, KCRW, National Public Radio English, Writers' Workshop, International Writing Program, Undergraduate Writing Track
Peter Stallybrass, University of Pennsylvania UI Center for the Books, History, English, Special Collections
Mark Strand, Columbia University Writers' Workshop, International Writing Program, English, Undergraduate Writing Track, Iowa Writers' Learning Community
Colm Toibin, Princeton Writers' Workshop, English Department, Iowa Writers' Learning Community, International Writing Program


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department(s)
Ned Blackhawk, University of Wisconsin, Madison History
David Mosser Brown, The Washington Post and The University of Maryland Journalism and Mass Communication/ POROI/International Writing Program
Michael Cunningham, Brooklyn College Writers' Workshop/ International Writing Program/Iowa Writers' Learning Community
Michael Doyle, University of Maryland Chemistry
Richard Kenney, University of Washington International Writing Program/Project on the Rhetoric of Inquiry/The Department of Rhetoric/The Iowa Writers' Workshop
Fanghua Lin, Courant Institute Mathematics/Civil and Environmental Engineering
Eric Mazur, Harvard University Center for Teaching/ Physics
Jon Mikalson, University of Virginia Classics/Religious Studies/International Programs' European Study Group/Eta Sigma Phi
Henry Shue, Merton College, Oxford University (UK) UI Center for Human Rights/International Programs/College of Law/College of Engineering
Dr. Sandra Steingraber, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Ithaca College The Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry/Urban and Regional Planning/ International Writing Program/Nonfiction Writing Program
James Watson, Harvard University Anthropology/Center for Asian and Pacific Studies/International Programs


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department(s)
Timothy Beatley, University of Virginia Leisure Studies Program, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies/Urban and Regional Planning, Geography,Civil and Environmental Engineering
Glen Elder, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Sociology/Institute for Inequality Studies/Psychology/Center on Aging in the School of Public Health/School of Social Work/ Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence
David M. Gaba, Stanford University Anesthesia/Surgery/Public Policy Center
Louise Gluck, Yale University Writers' Workshop/English/International Writing Program/Iowa Writers' Learning Community
Allen Guttmann, Amherst University Health and Sport Studies/American Studies
Christine Ivanovic, The University of Tokyo Cinema & Comparative Literature/German/International Writing Program
Edward P. Jones, Princeton University Writers' Workshop/English, International Writing Program/ Iowa Writers' Learning Community
Herbert Lindenberger, Standford University Opera Studies Group (IP)/ CCL/French & Italian/Art & Art History/OCAS/English/ENCIC/IP
H. Allen Orr, University of Rochester Biological Sciences/Geosciences
Lou A. Perez Jr,University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Caribbean, Diaspora, and Atlantic Studies Program-International Programs/History
Dale Purves, Duke University Psychology/Neuroscience Program
Tomaz Salamun, Slovenia International Programs/Writers' Workshop
Benjamin Schneider,University of Maryland & Valtera Management and Organizations/Psychology
Michael Tomasello, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Iowa Center for Developmental and Learning Sciences/ Psychology/Speech Pathology and Audiology
Michael Warner, Yale University UI Center for the Book/Religious Studies/History/American Studies/Communication Studies/English/Sexuality Studies
William Prizer, University of California-Santa Barbara and Kristine Forney, USC-Long Beach School of Music


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department(s)
Paula Allen Interdisciplinary Programs/American Indian and Native Studies
Alain Badiou, Ecole Normale Communication Studies
Michael Chabon Writers’ Workshop
Dipesh Chakrabarty History
Juan Cole Islamic, Middle Eastern & Arabic Studies
Norma Field International Writing Program
Bob Haining Geography
Donald McKayle Dance
Joanne Meyerowitz Sexuality Studies Program/Interdisciplinary Programs
Willard Miller, Jr. Mathematics
Terence R. Mitchell Management & Organizations
Luis Ospina Latin American Studies Program
Rickie Solinger Art & Art History
James Tate Writers’ Workshop
Robert Webster Microbiology
Daniel Wegner Psychology
Robert Winter Music


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department(s)
Harold J. Berman College of Law
Wanda M. Corn Art & Art History
Jean-Yves Fourmeau Music
Diane F. Halpern WISE
Shirley Brice Heath Language, Literacy, and Culture Program in Curriculum & Instruction
Jody Heymann Sociology
Michael Laver Political Science
Philip Levine Writers’ Workshop
Brij Maharaj African Studies
Joseph C. Miller, History
Gregory Rabassa International Writing Program
Ed Sarath, Music
Dr. Thomas J. Wilbanks Geography


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
John Ashbery Writers' Workshop
Michael Batty Geography
Rosemary Coombe Communication Studies
Sir Partha Dasgupta Economics
Rebecca Eisenberg POROI
Bent Flyvbjerg Urban & Regional Planning
Linda Hutcheon / Michael Hutcheon Opera Studies Group, International Programs
Lewis Hyde English
Simon James Classics
Herman Lebovics French & Italian
Nicholas Meyer Theatre Arts
George Sanchez American Studies
Juliet Schor Interdisciplinary Programs / Leisure Studies
James Scott Liberal Arts & Sciences
Walter Thompson Music
Peter Turnley Journalism & Mass Communication
Eliot Weinberger International Writing Program
Patricia Zimmermann Cinema & Comparative Literature


Visiting Professors Sponsoring Department
Lawrence Barsalou Psychology
Frans B. M. de Waal Graduate College
John D'Emilio Sexuality Studies Program
Mary Dudziak, David Wilkins, Kimberley Phillips, George Lipsitz, James C. Hall American Studies / History / American Indian Native Studies
Henry Friedlander History
David M. Hillis Geoscience
C. Stephen Jaeger Medieval Studies
Margaret Levi Political Science
Peter Matthiessen, International Writing Program International Writing Program
Cheríe Moraga Graduate College
Steven Pinker Linguistics / Law
Frederic M. Raphael, Independent Artist and Writer Classics / Theatre Arts
Sherry Simon Cinema & Comparative Literature
B. L. Turner II Geography
Marc Van Montagu, Vakgroep Moleculaire Genetica Biological Sciences
Kenny Wheeler Music


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department
David D. Awschalom Physics & Astronomy
Jacqueline K. Barton Chemistry
André Goffeau Physiology & Biophysics
David D. Hall American Studies
N. Katherine Hayles English
David Jasper Religion
Rashid I. Khalidi UI Center for Human Rights
Gerda Lerner University Libraries
Steve Maier Psychology
Laura Mulvey Cinema & Comparative Literature
Donald Norman Management Sciences
Suzanne Poirier Biomedical Ethics & Medical Humanities/Medicine
Rayna Rapp Women's Studies and Anthropology
Paul Julian Smith Spanish & Portuguese
Vernon Smith, Economics
Marc Van Montagu Biological Sciences
Patricia Vertinsky Health & Sport Studies
Derek Walcott International Writing Program
Stephen J. Walsh Geography


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department
Michael Armacost History
George F. Bass Anthropology
Deborah B. Boedeker & Kurt R. Raaflaub Classics
Terrence Deacon Psychology
Julio Garcia Espinosa Latin American Studies Program
Richard A. Falk UI Center for Human Rights
Gerald E. Frug Urban & Regional Planning
Terry Fullmer Aging Studies Program/Cntr on Aging
Lorraine Gutierrez Social Work
David Halperin Sexuality Studies Program
Susan Hanson Geography
Lewis Lockwood Music
W.S. Merwin International Writing Program
Thomas Moore Religion
David Rosner Occupational & Environmental Health
Miri Rubin Medieval Studies
Leila Sebbar French & Italian
Mary Sherriff Art & Art History
Theda Skocpol Political Science
Melba J.T. Vasquez Counseling Psychology Program
Lawrence Venuti Cinema & Comparative Literature


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Roger Bagnall Center for the Book/Classics/History
Carla Bley & Steve Swallow Music
Valerie Bunce CREES/Political Science
Robert Connell Sociology/Women’s Studies
Manthia Diawara African American Studies
Franklin Fisher Economics
Allan Frumkin Art & Art History
Irwin Garfinkel & Sara McLanahan Sociology
Margolit Goldfarbt & Ismael Abu Saad International Education
Leonard Guarente Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
John F. Kasson American Studies
Eric Lander Genetics
Leon Lederman Physics & Astronomy
Bruce Lindsay Statistics & Actuarial Science
Margaret Lock Anthropology
Ravi Nair International Programs
Richard Schechner Anthropology/Theatre Arts
Emmanuel Sivan History
Susan Rubin Sueliman French & Italian/Women’s Studies
Susan Treggiari Classics/History/Women’s Studies
Karl Wieghardt Chemistry


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
William Alford Law/Economics
Lawrence Altman Journalism & Mass Communication
Gisela Brinker-Gabler Comparative Literature
Pierre Cartier Mathematics
Helen Couclelis Geography/Mathematics
Richard J. Davidson Psychology
Joan DeJean French/Italian
Athol Fugard Theatre Arts
Margo Glantz Spanish/Portuguese
Milton Lodge Political Science
Barry Moser University Libraries
Joel Mokyr Business
Walter Murch Communication Studies
Murray Sperber Sociology
Anne Triesman, Fred Dretske and Paul Smolensky Computer Science/Psychology


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Orley Ashenfelter Economics
William Cronon Project of Rhetoric on Inquiry
E.L. Doctorow Writers' Workshop
Ronald Dworkin College of Law/Philosophy
Robert Hass Writers' Workshop
Richard Karp Computer Science/Electrical & Computer Engineering/Management Sciences
Howard Leventhal Psychology
Rosemary Lloyd French/Italian
William McFeely History
Dith Pran Office of International Education
Rova Saxophone Quartet School of Music
Steven Shapin Literature Science & the Arts/Biology
David M. Smith Geography/Global Studies
Ruth Solie School of Music


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Michael Berry Physics and Astronomy
Robert Cooter College of Law/Economics
David J. Ekerdt Aging Studies Program
Charles Epstein Pediatrics/Interdepartmental Genetics Ph.D. Program
E. Tory Higgins Psychology
Glenn Loury Economics
Nicholas McGegan School of Music
N. Scott Momady English
Stephen O’Brien Microbiology
Mary K. Rothbart, Hill Goldsmith and L. Alan Sroufe Psychology
Peter Sacks Creative Writing
Saskia Sassen Global Studies
Susumo Tonegawa Genetics Ph.D. Program/Biological Sciences
Heinrich von Staden Graduate College


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Svetlana Alpers School of Art and Art History
Jacques Aumont Comparative Literature
Harold Bloom Creative Writing
Teodore Buttrey Classics
Stanley Crouch Creative Writing
Jane Sherron DeHart History
Katherine Dunham Dance
Murray Edelman Project of Rhetoric on Inquiry
Edmond Eger Sesquicentennial Colloquia Committee
Arturo Escobar Women's Studies Program
Amilav Ghosh Center for International and Comparative Studies
Neil Harris American Studies Program
Martin Heisenberg Biological Sciences
Arthur Kinoy College of Law
Eleanor Maccoby Psychology
Mario Molina Chemistry
Michael Perlin Psychiatry
Patricia Spencer School of Music
J.B. Taylor Physics and Astronomy
Robert Townsend Economics
Jeremy Waldron Philosophy


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Arjun Appadurai Center for International and Comparative Studies
Michael Ayers Philosophy
Linda Bartoshuk Psychology
Wayne Booth Rhetoric
Rose Campbell Gibson Social Work
Ming Cho Lee Theatre Arts
Demetrio Cojti Cuxil Anthropology
Seamus Heaney Writers' Workshop
Lynn Hunt History
Holger Jannasch Microbiology
Allan Kaprow Art & Art History
Peter Kivy School of Music/Philosophy
Jean François Lyotard Comparative Literature
Josiah Ober Classics
Colin Power Education
Thomas Schelling Economics
Nan Stein Women’s Studies
Bruce Stillman Genetics Ph.D. Program
Lewis Wolpert Biological Sciences


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Ruth Behar Anthropology
Howard Berg Microbiology
Nadine Gordimer Writers’ Workshop
Andre Gregory Theatre
Jerald Hage School of Social Work
Peter Hall Urban and Regional Planning
Andrew Knoll Biological Sciences/Counseling Psychology
Bruno Latour English/POROI
Marjorie Perloff French & Italian/Comparative Lit
Michael Helge Ronnestad Counseling Psychology
Daniel Rubinfeld College of Law
Kenneth Shepsle Political Science
Michael Steinberg School of Music
James Tobin College of Business
Richard White History
H. Philip Zeigler Psychology


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Modelfi Asante African-American Studies
Saul Bellow Creative Writing
David Bromwich Comparative Literature/Law/Project of Rhetoric on Inquiry
Robert Brunstein Theatre Arts
James P. Collman Chemistry
Johan Galtung Law/Global Studies
Todd Gitlin Journalism, Literature, Science and the Arts/Communication Studies
Adolf Grunbaum Philosophy
Philip Selznick Sociology
Derald Wing Sue Psychological & Quantitative Foundations/Counselor Education
Patricia Werhane Literature, Science and the Arts
Anne Whall Nursing
John Edgar Wideman Creative Writing


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Robert F. Arnove Curriculum & Instruction
Kenneth Arrow Economics
Dan Blazer Aging Studies Program
Caroline Bynum History
Yuri B. Chernyak Biomedical Engineering
Paul Crutzen Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Charles Guggenheim Communication Studies
Vaughan Jones Mathematics
John C. Polanyi Chemistry
Adrienne Rich Creative Writing
Sandra Rosenbloom Urban & Regional Planning
David O. Sears Political Science
Fernando Solanos Spanish & Portuguese
Wilhelm Vosskamp Comparative Literature


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Norma Aleandro Theatre Arts
Richard E. Aquila Philosophy
Upendra Baxi Religion
Robert Beauregard Urban & Regional Planning
George Box Quality Management & Production
A. Peter Brown School of Music
W. Peter Cockshott Radiology
Kenneth A. Dodge Psychology
Page DuBois Classics
Eric Foner College of Law
Claudia Golden Economics
Gwen Keita Psychological & Quantitative Foundations
Isaria N. Kimambo African-American Studies
D.J. Lugg Physiology
Kiyohiro Miura Center for Asian and Pacific Studies
Tobias Wolff Creative Writing


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
Cary Becker Economics
Sir David Cox Statistics
James Curran Journalism
Leonid Dolgopolov Russian
Dr. Ronald Glaser Urology
Ann Hartman Social Work
David Harvey Geography
Peggy Kamuf Comparative Literature
J. Kiecolt-Glaser Psychology
John Krumboltz Psychological & Quantitative Foundations
T. Jackson Lears American Studies
Vladilen Letokhov Laser Science
Manning Marable African-American Studies
Joyce Carol Oates Writers’ Workshop
Mark Ptashne Genetics
Hans Sluga Philosophy


Visiting Professor Sponsoring Department(s)
T.O. Beidelman History
H.M. Brown School of Music
Robert Chartier French/Italian
Antonio Frasconi Art/Center for the Book
H.L. Gates or Manning Marable African American Studies
William Graham Religion
Malcolm Green Chemistry
Martha Morrison Pharmacy
Joyce Carol Oates or Norman Mailer Writers’ Workshop
Jane Tompkins or Catherine Gallagher English
David Tracy Project of Rhetoric on Inquiry