The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost and the Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity have created a partnership to support the recruitment and retention of outstanding tenured/tenure-track faculty who will further the UI’s goals to advance its academic mission through the recruitment of faculty who are underrepresented in the discipline and retention of faculty who foster community and inclusion in the discipline.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
- Tenured/tenure-track faculty appointments
- Faculty who will advance the UI’s commitment to the recruitment and retention of faculty and students who are underrepresented in their discipline.
Use of Funds
Use of Funds
These funds are designated to support both recruitment and retention, and they may be used in the following ways:
- Supplemental support for research supplies, equipment and/or travel funds.
- Summer salary support.
- Programmatic support for faculty member’s research agenda (e.g., conferences, symposia).
- Other activities detailed by the department upon application for supplemental funds.
- Allocation per individual faculty member will be made up to a maximum of $60,000.
- Funds will generally be awarded on a one-time basis; applicants may request funding for two years (and in rare cases, up to three years), but the total may not exceed $60,000 for all years. Multi-year applications may be approved, pending a successful annual report warranting renewal.
- Requests for smaller amounts – such as a single $5,000 or $10,000 award – may have a better chance of being funded.
Application Process
Application Process
- Deans, directors, or departmental executive officers shall submit a completed Enhancing Community and Inclusion Application Form to the Office of the Provost for review by the Associate Provost for Faculty and the Associate Vice President for Access, Opportunity, and Diversity. Funds will be allocated on a competitive basis.
- Deans, directors, or departmental executive officers can apply for recruitment funds as soon as a tenure-track faculty finalist has been identified. Applications can be submitted up to the time a formal offer is made to a new tenure-track faculty member. Funds will not be dispersed to a department in the case where the faculty recruit does not accept the offered position.
- Collegiate or departmental leaders can apply for retention funds at any time during a faculty member’s tenure.
- The Associate Provost for Faculty and Associate Vice President for Access, Opportunity, and Diversity will review the application and inform the collegiate dean, director or DEO of the outcome of the funding request.
- At the end of each academic year, the collegiate or departmental leader (in consultation with the awardee) shall complete an Enhancing Community and Inclusion Report Form explaining how the funds were used and actions the unit put into place to foster a supportive and inclusive environment. The Office of the Provost will produce an annual program report tracking the success of the program in advancing the UI’s academic mission.
Application Evaluation
Application Evaluation
Applications will be assessed competitively according to the following criteria:
- Explanation of how the funds will contribute to advancing the unit’s effectiveness in the recruitment of underrepresented faculty in the discipline, and retention of faculty and students who demonstrate a commitment to fostering inclusion in the discipline.
- Unit’s commitment to fostering and maintaining a supportive and inclusive environment for all faculty members. For example, efforts the unit has taken/will take to develop an inclusive atmosphere (e.g., mentoring programs, professional development workshops, invited speakers).
- For faculty recruitment applications, current racial/ethnic/gender demographic composition of the unit’s faculty (by headcount). Demographic composition will not be considered for retention funding.
- Proposed use of funds.