Breadcrumb Home Associate Deans for Faculty CollegeASSOCIATE DEANTippie College of BusinessBarry ThomasCollege of DentistryGalen SchneiderCollege of EducationPam WeselyCollege of EngineeringHS UdaykumarCollege of LawJason RantanenCollege of Liberal Arts & Sciences Arts and HumanitiesRoland Racevskis Natural, Mathematical, and Social SciencesChristopher Cheatum Research (awards)Joshua WeinerCarver College of MedicinePete SnyderCollege of NursingSandy Daack-HirschCollege of PharmacyGary MilavetzCollege of Public HealthDiane RohlmanGraduate CollegeShelly CampoOffice of the Executive Vice President and ProvostLois Geist