The University of Iowa has a long-standing commitment to excellence in teaching.
Over the years, numerous programs, initiatives, and collaborations have been established to enhance teaching effectiveness. The current strategies being implemented as part of the university's strategic plan are built upon a rich history of innovative efforts to support and elevate teaching and learning.
You can learn more about the university's current objectives, strategies, and tactics related to excellence in teaching and learning on the strategic plan website.
Timeline of Changes in Assessment of Teaching at Iowa
Formation of the ACE Task Force
2018The UI Teaching Evaluation (ACE) Task Force was charged to address software concerns, low student response rates, and known bias in student ratings, with the goal of supporting improvements in teaching and learning.
Improvements to the Student Ratings System
Spring 2018The ACE Task Force recommended revising end-of-course student ratings to reduce known bias and provide more productive feedback.
Development of New Tools
Spring 2020The ACE Task Force recommended offering comprehensive educational resources for students, instructors, department chairs, and administrators.
Feedback from College Leadership
2021The ACE Task Force sought input from college leadership on current practices for the assessment of teaching, satisfaction with current practices, and perceptions of institutional climate for assessing and improving teaching.
Gathering Input from Instructors and Department Leaders
2022The ACE Task Force collected feedback from instructors and departmental leaders on current practices for the assessment of teaching, satisfaction with current practices, and perceptions of institutional climate for assessing and improving teaching.
Integration into the Strategic Plan
2022Teaching effectiveness work was integrated into the strategic plan, with a tactic to continue the work of the ACE Task Force, now the Teaching Excellence Task Force, to review and further implement ACE Task Force 2019 recommendations.
Ongoing Collaboration
2022The Teaching Excellence Task Force continued meeting with associate deans and consulting with DEOs to collaboratively identify strategies and priorities for next steps.
Review and Progress Sharing
2023The Teaching Excellence Task Force shared progress and reviewed next steps with the Office of the Provost, DEO Action Group, Dean’s Offices, representatives of shared governance, and instructors (tenure track, instructional track, TAs).
Establishing University-Wide Expectations
2024The Office of the Provost and the Teaching Effectiveness Task Force published a common set of university expectations on the value of teaching and a framework for the assessment of teaching quality.
Foundations of Teaching Excellence
View the Executive Summary of the ACE Task Force Recommendations from July 2020.